Summer woes for Central Market

With the temperature rising and conditions becoming harsher by the day, many residents have called for a revamp of the vegetable and fruits section in the Central Market to make shopping there a more pleasant experience.
Many customers, including families, have had to cut short their shopping trips to the market because of the heat and the humidity. This, in turn, affects business at the market.
It’s not just shoppers who are complaining, but vendors, too, often find the going tough during the summer. They point to the “dearth of proper equipment” to address issues such as heat and humidity and this leads to loss of customers and a lower profit margin.
“Our goods are perishable products - vegetables and fruits - and much of these cannot be stored for even the next day without adequate refrigeration and cooling facilities, which most vendors in the market lack. Eventually, a considerable amount of food is lost on a daily basis after the conclusion of a market day,” said an Asian vendor at the market.
“It is an open-air place with a limited number of facilities for the comfort of both shoppers and vendors. The parking area outside, though adequate at times, is mostly not enough and there is no cafeteria there to offer fast food and drinks."
"Besides, the place is not equipped with even a single toilet for public use,” complained a local resident.
Read more at Gulf Times | Photo by Dawn in Phuket