Sepp Blatter meets Qatar's Emir in Doha

Fifa president Sepp Blatter just tweeted the following after his meeting with Qatar's Emir in Doha.
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3 point mission to Qatar now complete: #1 reconfirmed to Emir & PM that 2022 #WorldCup will be played in Qatar (& NOT shared with anyone)
— Joseph S Blatter (@SeppBlatter) November 9, 2013
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#2 Discussed possible change to 2022 dates. Consultation process must continue, but Jan/Feb ruled out to avoid Winter Olympics clash
— Joseph S Blatter (@SeppBlatter) November 9, 2013
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#3 Received full report from authorities & BWI (Building & Wood Workers International) union on efforts to improve working conditions. (1/2)
— Joseph S Blatter (@SeppBlatter) November 9, 2013
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#3 continued - I really encourage people to see these efforts to improve working conditions themselves, before forming opinions. (2/2)
— Joseph S Blatter (@SeppBlatter) November 9, 2013
fubar: I was thinking exactly the same. All I can assume is that he makes up such stories, so that he can later be seen to be "agreeing" with the Emir.
Is this man going a bit batty in his old age?
Is this the same Sepp Blatter who recently had this to say:
FIFA president Sepp Blatter has hinted that other countries in the Gulf region, as well as Iran, could host matches as part of the 2022 World Cup finals being held in Qatar.
Blatter said in comments published by PA Sport that he was "sure" that the prospect of the likes of Iran and the UAE staging matches would be considered by FIFA.
Speaking in Abu Dhabi prior to the Under-17 World Cup final, Blatter said: "I keep a big question mark on this. I have just passed through Iran and, even on a political level, people told me they would be happy to host some of the matches.
"So not even in the Gulf state but in the Middle East in general people care about this. The UAE would also be very eager, but let's go step by step."