Qatar statistics for August

The Ministry of Development Planning and Statistics released the eighth issue of (Qatar: Monthly Statistics) bulletin which includes a number of brief population, social and economic statistics that took place in last August.
Nineteen people died in fatal road accidents in August 2014, according to the eighth issue of Qatar: Monthly Statistics bulletin.
The report from the Ministry of Development Planning and Statistics indicates that Madinat Khalifa Traffic Department was the highest in recording traffic accidents which amounted to 5,452.
Meanwhile, Al Shamal Traffic Department recorded the highest number of deaths (seven cases) resulted from traffic accidents over the last month.
The number of major and minor accidents last month amounted to 43 and 536, respectively.
Traffic violations amounted to 140,000 in August, an increase of 12.9 percent compared to last July when it recorded over 124,000 traffic violations.
Some 7,783 driver’s licences were issued in August registering an over 25 percent increase compared to 6,202 licenses issued in July 2014. Out of that 438 driver’s licences were issued to Qatari nationals, while the rest went to expatriates.
On the economic front, the bulletin points out that the August Consumer Price Index (CPI) attained 118.9 points, a rise of 0.8 percent compared to July, caused by the increase of the prices of goods and services (inflation) last month, except the ones for medical care and health services.
The report shows that Qatar’s population reached 2.077 million in August, a rise of 8.2 percent compared to July when it attained 1.919 million.
The figures indicate that the number of marriages in August increased by 35.9 percent, since it amounted to 261 after it was 192, whereas the number of divorces went up by 24.2 percent and attained 77 in August compared to 62 in July.
August’s total number of births rose by 16.8 percent to reach 1880. The total number of Qatari births reached 539, including 244 males.
While the number of deaths registered in the country slumped by 12.9 percent to reach 162 in August including 51 Qatari nationals.
The bulletin shows that the number of commercial registration certificates rose by 34% in August, recording 840 registers, after it was 627 in last July.
It is worth noting that the (Qatar: Monthly Statistics) bulletin is released on a monthly basis from the outset of February, 2014.
This report is meant to identify the developments and changes that occur in the social and economic aspects in Qatar.
Ministry of Development Planning and Statistics | Gopal's Photography