MoI urges to practice caution when riding a Self-Balancing Electric Scooter

Self-Balancing Electric Scooters or Space Boards will be one of the things in most youngsters’ wish list this year.
Many a time we would have seen these gadgets whisking past us in parks, malls, super markets and literally everywhere. Although the residents have been receiving these space boards with mixed emotions, they are still popular among the youngsters and are sometimes even found on “offers” in stores.
However, over the past couple of months, most malls and super markets in Qatar have begun to ban the use of these self-balancing motor boards within their premises. More on this could be read in our post titled, “Malls in Qatar ban motorized space boards”.
Last week, the Ministry of Interior (MoI), clearly noting the amount of admiration that the youth have over these space boards, shared some precautionary steps on their social media platforms when using these gadgets.
According to MoI, “People are usually treating self-balancing boards as toys and use it carelessly. Please note that you might get injured when riding a self-balancing scooter if not experienced or didn’t followed safety instructions.”
The Ministry has suggested some precautionary tips that all users of the Self-Balancing Electric Scooters should follow.
For instance, the Ministry warns that before using these scooters, the rider should understand all the instructions that come up with the device.
Also, he should also practice it indoors before riding it outdoors to avoid accidents.
Furthermore, hopping on a scooter may prove to be dangerous and the Ministry explicitly tells not to ride these scooters in rough terrain or in watery surface or while raining.
Avoid riding on barefoot and colliding with people or irremovable objects.
Wear helmet, knee-pads, elbow pads and gloves to protect you in case of falling or slipping.
Have you got any more precautionary steps to suggest? If so, comment below.
They make you look cool and sometimes they are really useful and can make your life more convenient. However, they can also be dangerous on the contrary. So when riding such a hoverboard outside, you should be more careful and concentrated. And the quality is a very important thing to think about, then you need to consider the battery capacity otherwise you will stop in the midway. Here is an article talks about how to choose the best hoverboard: https://www.cfone.net/how-to-buy-the-best-cheap-hoverboard.html
Getting silly now.. Rizks was using one at his emporium to go round the tables serving Karak :O(
Min. age limit should be specified for the sale and use
its called a "smart scooter" or a "hover-board" , they are fun but unhealthy and can be very dangerous because they can reach a stunning speed of 20 miles/hour , so watch your kids when riding these things around in crowded places .
Must be banned in Malls. Proper law and regulation should be administered for its use else where. Tomorrow people will bring cycles n bikes in malls too. Then what? Accept that?
this bloody gadget will brings unhealthy generation.
Excellent Gadget If used with all precautions and proper guidance, if not then its most Dangerous can cause accidents and also make them obese.
come on guys ! Lets chill !
seems you two are so old and jealous in youngsters ! lols
ishu: Great point. From one side , we complain about obesity and kids being overweight and on the other we go out and purchase these gadgets
kids were engaged in walking or brisk walking before the advent of this stupid gadget.
this is gonna make all kids and youngsters alike to stop walking to stores or hop on these
They're a menace and should be banned in public places - especially malls