Local business owners oppose draft labor law

The business community in Qatar is opposed to changes in sponsorship and exit permit rules and said the new system would affect national economy.
The sponsorship and exit permit rules should be changed to protect interests of both businessmen and workers, but the current draft is entirely in favor of foreign workers, they added.
Prominent local business owner, Ali Al Khalaf, told local Arabic daily Al Arab that the draft law (with proposed amendments) was not circulated at the meeting to businessmen for review.
Al Khalaf said there was the need to hold more meetings between businessmen and senior government representatives on the issue.
Reposted from The Peninsula. Photo by Penny Yi Wang.
What do you think about local business community's reaction?
So, The Torture will continue .....
Mm and humbles..again useless comments...topic is about qatar...why drag other countries....me being born in qatar, looking at the proposed labour law (which is not to expat expectation) definitely need to be redefined again....it is like the benefit of the sponsor but only wordings are changed
MM why compare to other countries? With all the wealth and economic advantages of Qatar not enough to let his builders choose jobs to better his/her life? Salute to the 3rd world countries for better implementing human rights.
Hope qatar govrnment will imply what law they are going to change in labour law...
@ Box. Next time check the facts before spreading wrong info about your place of residense .
Qatar is becoming very popular all over the world , if you still don't like to live and work here then give space to new comers .
Look what Molten and Alam has said.
BOXBE , And you like the filth { blue movies business } it's your favourite , you can't think properly after all that .
You hate Qatar after eating from here , shameful . .......... Sun , 24.05.2014 , 07.40 hrs .....
Either business community or local employers can’t defy the Qatar draft law this country have such a huge economy so the Qatar government should not bother their threats
wud agree with boxbe need to revise the exit and other labour laws easy for the expats like other gcc countries follow even Saudi,dubai,bahrain
Can u keep quiet. ..ur mouth stinks with these many comments. ...coming to the topic...we need change as per the same change it has in dubai
Plus , Not everybody can understand the news of a paper untill it's backdround is explained in detail ..... Fri, 23.05.2014 , 13.13 hrs
Khalli , Compare our situation with US , where a family man has to steal a working toilet from a restaurant . Admit , nobody would ever do it around here , this is one example that we are better off in many aspects ................................ ....................... Fri, 23.05.2014 , 13.10 hrs
No , you have zero risk for you life as long as you are here ... Fri, 23.05.2014 , 13.00 hrs
Around here atleast you have the risk of being shot at while strolling / shopping in a mall for grocery .....Fri, 23.05.2014 , 12.42 hrs
Europe keeps its filth under wraps with the help of media .................................... Fri, 23.05.2014 , 12.40 hrs
Situation in Italy is just matching , people are forced to work 12 hours , even drugeed for max output & they are not allowed to bring on their families from their home countries ........... ................ ...................... They are not given any money even to buy a pair of a fresh underwear ................ ......................................................... Fri, 23.05.2014 , 12.40 hrs