HMC receives a few dozen heat exhaustion cases

The Emergency Department at Hamad General Hospital (HGH) has received between 30 and 40 heat exhaustion cases daily during the last week.
In July, the department received 77 cases of heat -related illnesses and 118 in June.
Hamad Medical Corporation (HMC) has urged people to take extra precautions and safeguard themselves against heat illnesses such as exhaustion and stroke.
Heat exhaustion is a condition whose symptoms may include heavy sweating and a rapid pulse as a result of the body overheating. It is one of three heat-related syndromes, with heat cramps being the mildest and heat stroke the most severe.
Causes include exposure to high temperatures, particularly when combined with high humidity, and strenuous physical activity. Without prompt treatment, heat exhaustion can lead to heat stroke, a life-threatening condition. Fortunately, heat exhaustion is preventable.
“We are asking people, especially outdoor workers, to take care during this period as we have seen a sudden surge in cases of heat exhaustion due to the sharp rise in humidity,” said Emergency Department Chairman, Prof Peter Cameron.
He said people who work outdoors are highly susceptible to heat exhaustion. “It is important to ensure people exposed to the sun and heat take rest at regular intervals between 10am and 3pm, which is the hottest period of the day because that is when we see more cases.”
According to Prof Cameron, majority of patients being seen are young men, including those with underlying illnesses which aggravated their conditions.
“Only a few patients required short stay at our facility because they have other health conditions aside the heat exhaustion. Otherwise, a good number are mild cases.
It will stop by Sept ........................... Tue, 26.08.2014, 10.48 hrs