Customer apologizes to Al Meera for 'rotten meat' claims

Al Meera Goods Company has reassured customers that its food products are safe after a video on social media platforms alleged it was selling rotten meat.
In a statement, the company said inspections were conducted by the municipality following the video, and inspectors approved meat safety in all their branches.
The company also revealed that the customer who uploaded the video had apologised to the company. Al Meera said the customer had posted the video after seeing a change in the colour of meat at one of its stores.
"When meat is stacked together, this results in a temporary change of color, which changes back to normal after opening and refrigeration," the statement said.
The unnamed video poster was also quoted in the statement, saying he regretted his actions.
"I should have gone to the responsible authorities before publicising this video, especially since the municipality and SCH are keen on ensuring food safety in all retail outlets in Qatar." [Read more on Arabian Business]
I really enjoy reading your comments, Knor! :-) wish to add you in my FB friends' list :-)
ah thatswhy you removed your shirt ;) *DP
oh im hot after reading all your comments..peace :)
Gasoline: Thanks for the valuable input.
@Knor Yes, libel is to publish in print (including pictures), writing or broadcast through radio, television or film, an untruth about another which will do harm to that person or his/her reputation, by tending to bring the target into ridicule, hatred, scorn or contempt of others. Libel is the written or broadcast form of defamation, distinguished from slander which is oral defamation.
@gasoline...I stand corrected. thanks! Is libel and slander different? that's(libel) the first word 'im thinking.
When the issue came up at QL, the headline gave me the first impression that AlMeera was at fault. Later down in the article, it was stated in "small print" that the food items were checked and found to be okay. Consumers must be careful and sure of their actions and not just "jump the gun" in such cases. A mere "apology" from the person would definitely not teach him anything. He must be given a lesson that will be make him think a hundred times before lodging false allegations especially against a business.
1. Only brand I can think of is "humble pie" for his error in judgement. His accusation of goods from Al Meera Goods Company could of caused loss in sales and damaged their reputation in the public eye. I'm not sure if they could make a claim for slander & loss of sales in court of law in Qatar. But they could if this was the U.S.A.
2. The wilful destruction of another person's property is referring to physical act. For example going to a property and smashing windows.
i'll just file an attempted murder on that a$$hole for trying to kill my business.
is the company of almeera is not property?
geezzzzzz! aaaaaaaa! where is the common sense here?!
and what brand is the poster of video had been tarnished?
That would be a incorrect terminology, because "Malicious Mischief" is defined as the wilful destruction of another person's property for vicious, wanton, or mischievous purposes. It's a form of slander and that person is tarnishing a brand.
If I'm the owner of almeera, I will drag him/her to court for malicious mischief case.