Car confiscation for overtaking from right

The traffic department has decided to intensify traffic patrols to control common traffic violations.
Brig. Abdullah bin Nasser Al-Thani, the Asst. Director of Traffic Department affirmed that the concerned sections of the traffic department has decided to start awareness campaigns along with implementing the actions to control violations.
Parking at slots reserved for persons with special needs and wrong overtaking from right-side in roundabouts and intersections are the most common violations. He pointed that both these violations are counted as preventing others’ rights as they have been vividly mentioned in the traffic law.
Taking into account the rigorous consequences caused by these two violations, the traffic department will take strict actions on these two offenses and the vehicles will be confiscated for one month or more, if repeated, along with paying fine as per mentioned in the law.
He emphasized that the patrolling police have started to implement these actions as many of the roads in the country are equipped with radars and they are capable of easily spotting the violations.
Ft. Lt. Nasser Salem Al Turki, a traffic patrolling officer, told that the overtaking from right side contribute a lot to traffic jams as it gives the impression of bad behaviour and may harm others.
The Department officials has urged all motorists to strictly obey traffic rules and to give others their rights on the roads to keep away from traffic violations and devoid of fines.
What about changing lanes as you exit a roundabout, cutting off other cars exiting the roundabout properly? Is this a ticketable offense in Qatar?
Confiscation is against the law, i can sue your for carnapping. Just issue a ticket/fine for me but to confiscating my vehicle, well! lets go to court.or take my car & pay the rent!bythe way, is this for expat or for local?
Watch out Qlers..in case this kind of traffic rule be implemented accordingly..there will be a huge reduced number of Land Cruiser, PATROL, HUGE PICK UP (of all kinds), etc. in qatar and presto! No more traffic jam.
khalli: those women are the second worst drivers, worst being the ones doing 60 kph in the fast lane while digging for gold in their noses.
Rental companies have credit card numbers and post dated checks from the people they rent cars to. They can use these to pass on the costs from having cars confiscated knor. The police should also be taking the license from these drivers immediately and making them take a taxi home.
What if the car is just rented? It should be the license of that undisciplined driver be confiscated. Or for the No Parking violation, Its ok for the car to be towed. But for R/A overtaking....it merits for a license suspension.
that I agree with you khalli! ...... @mohdata, that's a good start then....
zafirah: the land cruisers get busted all the time..especially any LC that looks like it frequents the Qatar Racing Club (low front/stickers/desert tires)..my friend's LC spends considerable time in police impounds just because he drives it late at night..however, I feel they're targeting the wrong ones..the QRC cars are mostly young guys who operate late at night out of view..its the 'rush hour' douchebags in shiny new cars that they need to shut down..not just locals..you see all kinds of people drunk on their car's size and its crazy xenon lights..
Should be come the New rule for First and Second line Speed along with the Car confiscation for overtaking from right
Good Morning Zafi.. :) na not really.. however I really don't change my lane even if there is a huge lightning or thunder behind.
but khalli, they will never jail a local - no matter what he did (i.e. Villagio accident) ...
if the penalty will be imprisonment, then expect more expats just to be in prisons...
LLR, good morning. you are one of them... the flashing mob.... hehehehe.... with a land rover... ;)
khalli, just like beating the red light - that is more dangerous, but imprisonment is not being impose there... huge penalty - like 10 thousand riyals will do...
Mohdata...yes your right.
The car should be confiscated, sold, and the money given to charity.
I hope they will apply the same punishment for the "lightning (flashing)" on my car's backyard.
ugh! that's too harsh khalli!
good morning khalli.... how? what's your suggestion?
mohdata.... that's good to hear. we'll see how many land cruiser they can confiscate...
they definitely are cracking down these days..i frequently take late night drives and have been seeing many expensive and even obviously local cars being pulled over or whatever..my feeling is that eventually, Qatar too will head the UAE way and they will come down on any offender..of course there will always be ways for the violators to dodge the penalties if needed..
Haha MM. Good point. Why be strict about road safety. I mean... what's the worst that can happen?
Ravi , Lets not make our life miserable with so much strictness . Tomorrow sombody will say , OK , ban driving while you breath ! ........................................................ Sun , 08.06.2014 , 09.00 hrs
THIS IS WONDERFULl. Also they should check check on drivers who are constantly on the phone talking/messaging or on a social websites. and hope this law stands for all who live in this country. it will surely reduce a lot of traffic violations / lives & money.
I think we all know the answer to your question zafirah. It's the same answer as to whether everyone who goes through a red light pays 6000, or whether some special people just cancel the fine from the traffic department and pay nothing.
Zafir , ' applied to all ' or the violators who repeat ! .................... Sun , 08.06.2014 , 08.29 hrs
wow! that's something... confiscation of vehicle?! we'll see if it will be applied to ALL...
Sun , 08.06.2014 , 07.00 hrs