Bus accident in Al Khor kills three passengers

By Maha Iqbal •
Three people died and four were injured on Friday when their bus overturned on Al Khor Road. The bus of a private company was on way from Al Khor to Doha.
The accident occurred at Lusail race track around 4.30pm when the driver reportedly lost control after a tire burst.
Faza and Al Shamal police patrols arrived at the scene immediately, sent the bodies to the mortuary and took injured to hospital.
Al Dayen police is currently investigating the cause of the accident. [The Peninsula]
Image for illustrative purpose only
Why do lot of Indian drivers driver slower than the speed limit and hold up the traffic. Why do they use the phone while driving and below the speed limit, and holding up traffic. Why do they hit the brakes suddenly in the middle of the highway when they see a camera and still drive 10 to 20KM below speed limit. I understand sometimes we get locals and expats flashing people, let them go fast and let them use the fast lane. We just need to move right, not that difficult. If they honk, just honk back and wave to them, like I do with a smile. But pls...don't drive below speed limit and hit the brakes...almost to stand still on a highway...
Plus the major problem is that they've got the steering wheel on the wrong side :0(
Why people are in hurry when they drive a vehicles. Why we drive at over Speed ?In Qatar all drive vehicles as they have started a racing and most of the people have no patients.Locals and outsiders all are both responsible for this situations.
Mr. Zam Zam LC or other heavy vehicle is flashing light from behind just because of this how come you can say this is against the teaching of Islam.Thousands of good thing they are doing what abt that? and its depend on person to person.
"it is just 200% opposite to the teachings of Islam" wow, Zam Zam, I feel your worry. Remeber, there are muslims and there are MUSLIMS. Its unfortunate that written words, even in the Qu'ran/bible or spoken admonitions do not directly translate into action. If this were the case, the world would already have been rid of evil. But what we see everyday is beautiful values being exported from the masjids or from the pulpits unto nodding heads, wide open eyes and attentive ears, only to move out and act in completely the opposite way. Humankind has become so self centered. The haves oppression with impunity the have nots. May the almighty save our souls from these dark days
Careful folks..not all LAND CRUISERS were driven by locals (qatari)..some behind wheels of these LC's are arabs from other countries and believe me they are behaving like anything! BTW what about Nissan Patrol and other huge pick up and SUV's?!
This is one of the "things" about Land Cruisers..
There are people here who have a thing about Land Cruisers.
what do the land cruisers have to do with this article????
these LC and other Big vehicles must be punished for flashing..... in Al khor road it is crazy and they do not have mercy on small cars, they do not bother that, there are cars running on your right and the front car cannot move on his right, but still flash..., i am really fed up with this... it is just 200% opposite to the teachings of Islam.
It is very sad to hear these stories, I was driving pass around 5:30pm, suddenly 2,3 dead bodies next to this van, my deepest sympathy to their families.
Rest in peace, tires are must around here, govt needs to illegelize these cheap paper tires, only buy brand name tires, remember its those tires that separate you from the road,there sponsor should be held accountable to make sure the upkeep of that bus was in order.
I would add that the best driving skills around are actually from locals (MEN & Women) worst could be rated.. our friends from Hindustan.. no offense but thats the fact..
My heart sinks and goes heavy when I read such tragic incidences here in Qatar. I imagine ma mother and loved ones having to receive a call telling them thier son died in an accident. My condolences to the bereeved family members. It will be a difficult time for them. In this foreign land where we come to look for money to feed our families, Lord protect us n take us back safely
Are you suggesting that only locals drive idiotically ?
These cheap mini vans with their small tires are the worst death traps ever seen. How about the 6 hospital workers killed last year. Both Toyota and Nissan make these and should be outlawed. This cheap is dangerous.
I wonder why the traffic department which is very "sensitive" about putting up traffic rules for a "safe country" doesnt have any strict and deterring action/enforcement for the crazy local drivers who threaten others life.. Praying, fasting, then killing lives ..makes no sense either
You can pass a difficult test and still drive like an idiot. It's about etiquette and caring for your fellow man
i agree 24rent A car its really shame , they should provide a solution for thoses drivers ,to keep going in civilization and human progress
Yes, they keep on flashing even if there's a vehicle on your left and right side and you have NO where else to go. They should have named the fast lane as 'LAND CRUISER LANE' so no other else will go on this lane. I hope that the traffic dept should impose a fine for those vehicles doing ostentatious acts on the roads.
how many times it happened when some crazy landcrouser start giving you flash light from behind on AL KHOR ROAD , and if you didnt step a side he will come in front of you and hit break !
Tragic. May the deceased rest in peace