The boy who made the clock is now in Qatar

Ahmed Mohamed, the boy who was arrested for making a clock in Texas, is now in Qatar.
An invitation was issued to Mohamed by the Qatar Foundation to come to Qatar and to visit the Education City.
Mohamed who was arrested briefly for taking a clock that he had made to school which was wrongly presumed to be a bomb, had accepted the invitation.
More about this can be read here.
In his twitter account, Mohamed has tweeted on the second of October as “Qatar is Masha Allah”, stating that he has arrived in Qatar.
Qatar is mashallah
— Ahmed Mohamed (@IStandWithAhmed) October 2, 2015
Welcome to Qatar! https://t.co/Jj8P3kOTCc
— Qatar Living (@qatarliving) October 4, 2015
Hope you’ll have a lovely stay in Qatar, Mohamed.
It only gets better. The law firm representing Ahmed Mohamed is demanding $10 million from the city of Irving, Texas, and $5 million from Irving Independent School District for the distress caused :O)
Hi Ahmed,
Welcome to Qatar. Let not the low lives at QL forum shout you down.
So, he made a clock for Qatar also? :D
Welcome to Qatar A.M. Have fun and I hope that you make more clocks.
Welcome to Qatar A.M. Have fun and I hope that you make more clocks.
He's enjoying the free trips . Good luck to him
The right title should have been "Clock boy" in Qatar NOT "The boy who made the clock in Qatar" he did not made any clock in Qatar did he?