Blind Tunisian woman regains eyesight during Hajj Pilgrimage

After 18 months of living in complete darkness, a Tunisian woman pilgrim regained her eyesight while standing on Arafat at the climax of the Haj.
The 70-year-old Nafeesa Al-Qurmazi, mother of two boys and three girls, said she came to the Kingdom for Haj totally blind and is now going back to Tunisia with her full eyesight.
She lost her eyesight after she had a stroke about a year and a half ago.
The doctors lost all hope that she would regain eyesight due to the severity of the stoke and her age.
"I have never lost hope in the providence of Allah. I kept praying to Him all the time to give me back my eyesight," she said.
Qurmazi said she decided to increase her Duaa (supplication) in Arafat and was sure that “Allah would not disappoint me.
While doing the Duaa in Arafat I suddenly started to see. When the other pilgrims in my tent saw me crying with joy, they all started chanting Allahu Akbar," she said.
Qurmazi said all the way from Tunisia she had been cherishing one dream: To see the holy sites, Makkah and Madinah.
"Thank God now I can see and walk anywhere without any assistance from anyone," she said.
She said she was overjoyed to see the pilgrims in Arafat, a scene she never expected to be true to her.
"Allah has blessed me with my eyesight in the most sacred place on earth," she said.
Source: Saudi Gazette
Two wrongs don't make anything right!
And you know yourself
Thanks AmAm Bhai.
who let the dogs out....bow wow ..:P
Molten Metal, So kind of you , you deserve my highest respect for your honest justice.
MM, Thanks buddy for being a responsible QLer , you cleared the doubts of - berdj .
How you remember so much dear ?
Hope TCOM will be more nicer with you from 2014 !
MM / Box / MK , But one thing is new , Boxbe changed chevrolet with toyota , lol.
berdj why are you writing comments off the topic hurting other religion people if you are atheist open a new thread and discuss your inner feelings but if you and your friends just write off the topic then I would go with the above saying by tcofee and what my religion teach me inbox me I would answer you thanks for getting interested in my religion
Normally TCOM questions me at every step ........................
Hope all his queries are complete in 2013 .......................................................... Friday, 25.10.2013, 10:14 AM.
Berdj , Greetings , Its not Mast Kalandar.
We have another very nice QLer by ID tee_coffee_ or_me { we dearly call him TCOM or tcom }.
And it is not TCOM's fault either, if you believe me.
There is one more QLer { find out by yourself } who has the image of being an anti - religion & anti - home .
One day in the last week , TCOM started a thread to counter those types { anti } that let '' Barking so & so ....... '' .
So , Mast has just tried to remind all about the TCOM's thread to keep quite & don't respond to objectionable comments of '' anti '' .. without adding anything from his own '' pocket ''.....................
Berdj camry...not religion taught that...tcom taught us...pls ask tcom
But , Do you hope your efforts will bear any fruit ?
.............................................................................................................................................. 09:36 hrs.
Sandeep Bhai, Thanks a million for the enlightment ..............
............................................................................................................................................ Fri, 25th Oct, 2013.
Dear Rip,
i can't prove if Einstein told this and you may be correct. For me the 'story' was bigger.....
If we think, isn't the same happening in this world now. instead of learning what is each religion teaches, aren't we more trying to prove/fight to show one is better than other?
As for me, GOD is not a religion. God,the creator is everywhere..inside u..inside me. we just have to find.... and each Religion is a way to reach to GOD....
The laws of physics can explain how the jet engine works, but someone had to build the thing, put in the fuel and start it up. The jet could not have been created without the laws of physics on their own - but the task of development and creation needed the genius of Whittle as its agent.
Similarly, the laws of physics could never have actually built the universe. Some agency must have been involved.
Tat Tvam Asi - I Am That
Thank God she regained her eyesight!Only some are lucky though.....
The worst fear of my life........is the fear of losing my eyesight...I can never ever imagine that....
Plus , for how long , Sulie ?
I would agree with you sulie just follow tcofee famous thread let the barking dogs bark alone may ALLAH Subhanavatalh accept all haji's dua's and other brother's and sisters prayers Aameen
Sulie..respect for the way you go about your thinking..:-)
My best wishes to an old lady...
Apart from Religions or anything
I feel happy for the woman, she must be flying for the happiness
Just try to do your everyday evens with your eyes closed to see how bad it was
I wonder why we have to prove to Thelo,RC and whatever, while they can't prove the opposite
It's your choice to believe or not ( that's normal)
But If you can't prove it's wrong, don't ask for an evidence that it's right
no I do not consider myself anything, I am the same as the day I was born.
however people should not post false stories and attribute them to someone else. This should be challenged.
Rip.. Are you an atheist?? If so then there is no point in all these arguments.
Sandeep sorry to disappoint you but that was never said by Eienstien, just propaganda from the religious brigade trying to give their myths some substance and failing. Nice story though, I hope it keeps you warm at night.
We said sandeep !
Thanks Sandeep Ji for sharing with QLers I am sure , need more of these ............
24.10.2013, 06:50 hrs.
Even I bow my head .......... to this article ............
i am not a muslim by birth. but i do pray to allah, jesus and to krishna. i don't want to learn which religion is better. i wan to take all the good teachings from all the religion to be a better human :)
The professor of a university challenged his students with this question. "Did God create everything that exists?" A student answered bravely, "Yes, he did".
The professor then asked, "If God created everything, then he created evil. Since evil exists (as noticed by our own actions), so God is evil. The student couldn't respond to that statement causing the professor to conclude that he had "proved" that "belief in God" was a fairy tale, and therefore worthless.
Another student raised his hand and asked the professor, "May I pose a question? " "Of course" answered the professor.
The young student stood up and asked : "Professor does Cold exists?"
The professor answered, "What kind of question is that? ...Of course the cold exists... haven't you ever been cold?"
The young student answered, "In fact sir, Cold does not exist. According to the laws of Physics, what we consider cold, in fact is the absence of heat. Anything is able to be studied as long as it transmits energy (heat). Absolute Zero is the total absence of heat, but cold does not exist. What we have done is create a term to describe how we feel if we don't have body heat or we are not hot."
"And, does Dark exist?", he continued. The professor answered "Of course". This time the student responded, "Again you're wrong, Sir. Darkness does not exist either. Darkness is in fact simply the absence of light. Light can be studied, darkness can not. Darkness cannot be broken down. A simple ray of light tears the darkness and illuminates the surface where the light beam finishes. Dark is a term that we humans have created to describe what happens when there's lack of light."
Finally, the student asked the professor, "Sir, does evil exist?" The professor replied, "Of course it exists, as I mentioned at the beginning, we see violations, crimes and violence anywhere in the world, and those things are evil."
The student responded, "Sir, Evil does not exist. Just as in the previous cases, Evil is a term which man has created to describe the result of the absence of God's presence in the hearts of man."
After this, the professor bowed down his head, and didn't answer back.
The young man's name was ALBERT EINSTEIN.
By the way the thought "Killing by religion" is outdated.. it is kinda same like "earth is flat" :) Living in 21st century when politics, flawed economic systems where gap between rich and poor is increasing day by day, when marketing/fashion and many different industries strategically making the whole world a consumerist, materialistic... religion is the best solution for all these problems.
Prize , Just read news today .........
Well said LLR.
You aren't happy for the man who was fortunate enough to die near the grand mosque as he wished?
Unfortunately this man didn't die in Saudi as he had wanted:
Man saves money for 60 years to perform Haj
An 80-year-old Bangladeshi farmer has spent nearly 60 years of his life saving money to perform pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia and his dream was fulfilled this year. But his wish to die in Makkah was evidently not achieved.
Abu Al Kalam said he had not thought of marriage so he can save enough to travel to Saudi Arabia to join millions of other Moslems in performing pilgrimage this week.
“I started saving when I was 20 years old…I saved enough to go to Haj two years ago but I was not lucky enough in the visa,” he told Aljazeera online news network.
“This year I was granted visa and I travelled to Makkah….I have worked very hard at the farm to save money for Haj…before I came here, I sold all my possession to devote myself for the pilgrimage…I have begged God the Almighty to take my soul here in Makkah since the very first moment I stepped into the holy land.”
Pin Pin magazine ? ........ never heard before my friend ......... LOL.
It was ' she ' herself ...... who said so .
23.10.2013, 11:17,
There should be a possible logic :) who would think of becoming popular in 70.. we don't need anymore evidence than our own experience. :) Anyway who denies evolution? We accept it in more rational way than an atheist. May be atheist will believe in UFO & its stories than possible miracles.. and FYI we don't call it a miracle..and we don't believe you have to be religious or a believer to get something like that..
We have Karamath, Istidraj, Ihanath..
And miracles were never a goal in a life journey of a true believer. It does not change the status of true believer's heart.
Prize, Where is link my buddy ?
Fubar, who wants these stories ?
Rip...... no comments..............Arguing with a fool makes two..........
Indian sells house to perform Hajj…
But dies before fulfilling wish
By Staff
Published Tuesday, October 15, 2013
An old Indian man sold the family’s only house in his home country to travel with his wife to Saudi Arabia to perform Hajj (pilgrimage), but he died a day before he fulfilled his age-old dream and his wife said she was happy for him.
The unnamed man arrived in Saudi Arabia with his wife a few days ago to join hundreds of thousands of Muslims converging on the Western Saudi town of Makkah for this year’s Hajj rituals, which started on Monday and will end on Thursday.
The Saudi daily Okaz quoted his wife as saying her husband decided to sell the family’s house which he had spent years to build.
“We owned that house a few months ago. When we were told that our names were in the list to be admitted into Saudi Arabia for pilgrimage, he insisted on selling the house to get funds but I tried to persuade him not to sell it,” she said.
“He told me that God the Almighty may compensate us with a better house. He died in Madinah and I am happy for him as he had wished to die near the Grand Mosque.”
Few weeks back I read a comment by a certain Molten M where it was mentioned that Thelonius was a lady , just sharing here . Today Rizks is asking her to read Tin Tin & Pin Pin type books ? Is it normal ?
Thelo...and who cares which and what book you are writing ? :)
i wasnt talking about 'killing in the name of religion'...i thought you must be more interested in the Ads ? :)
Fubar are you saying god kills those who try to perform hajj illegally?
Thelo then you read TinTin or Playboy magazines to know wats going on in the world ? :)
Anywayz, tat upto you watever u read as tats not imporatant here to discuss....
Guys, Do not underestimate His powers .
I think the group should be called, possible miracles.
Same as those people that go to Lourdes and claim god cured their cancer and then they are dead in six weeks.
Pope John Paul II is to be made a saint after a number of miracles he performed have been confirmed. Confirmed by who you may ask? The Vatican itself!
You couldn't make it up, well actually you could.
MM, You has rightly pointed out that people won't change in the near future.
Don't forget the Sudanese woman who also regained her vision while on Hajj this year:
An old Sudanese woman who lost her sight nearly seven years ago says she started to see again just a few days after arriving in Saudi Arabia for the annual Hajj (pilgrimage).
Fatima Al Malhi said several operations at home had failed to cure her blindness, adding that she did not lose hope of restoring her sight.
“I was hopeful I will see again when I go to Saudi Arabia for pilgrimage.
“I spent a few days at the Grand Mosque praying to God the Almighty to cure me,” she said, quoted by the Saudi Arabic language daily Okza.
“I was sitting at a corner at the Grand Mosque when suddenly the blackness cleared off my eyes and I started to see
“I could not believe what happened to me. I could see my son for the first time in seven years and I can now move without help from any one.”
(from the same article - a warning to people trying to attend "illegally"):
An expatriate man sneaking illegally into Makkah to perform the annual Hajj (pilgrimage) was killed when he was hit by two cars while crossing the road towards the holy city.
The unidentified pilgrim came from the Western Red Sea port of Jeddah and was crossing a motorway to enter the nearby town of Makkah when he was hit by a car.
“He fell unconscious on the road. Another car come in the same direction hit him again, killing him instantly,” Sabq daily said.
Saudi authorities have launched an extensive campaign curb persons without permits to enter Makkah, where more than two million Muslims gathered for this year’s Hajj.
I dont think so its about any religion tat it should be posted in Religious Teachings.
I think we should have a group called 'Miracles' where such topics can be posted....:)
Thelo...then why do you read newspapers ?
after successfully completing 70Yrs, do you really think she has done this for 'publicity' ?
This woman probably just wanted some publicity and made up this story for a guilble public to lap up and lap it up they do.
They also believe the universe was formed in 7 days or should I say only 6....
"fishes" is the word used to refer to multiple species of fish. Unless the Oxford dictionary and Websters dictionary and every other English dictionary were all updated overnight.
For example, a perfectly correct usage would be "when you throw a bait in the sea...what do you expect the fishes to do?"
If you spent less time laughing at other people (even when you are wrong) and more time discussing blind Tunisian women you would be doing us all a huge favor.
Be careful when trying to mock others (especially on a thread about religion, no less!) in case it comes back to bite you and you end up looking foolish.
RC (Cola)....this is not posted under 'funnies' category tat you feel laughing !
Anyhow, why dont you go and touch tat 70 Yrs old arms and see how she feels after getting her lost eyesight back in such a Holy place ?
then you will get your evidence which you are looking for ?
Rip, You are so late to clear the air ...........
You guys make me laugh. You are willing to accept anything written that backs your already held opinions without any evidence, but for things such as evolution, formation of the universe et al of which there is evidence you can see, touch, check and examine for yourself you say is not true.
Why let facts or evidence get in the way of a good story.....
P.S. I do not hate all muslims, just because I state something that is opposite to your view point or belief does not mean I extend that to all muslims.
Someone is just trying to lead others into deviating from the topic ..... be warned ..........
Others would call it " Fishes Tank " ......... even tomorrow .........
LLR , that's for you & me only .........
Fubar, you have the escape route ........... but it's not that simple dear .........
Just a quick question.. Why do we call it a "Fish Tank" not "Fishes Tank"?? :))
Fishes - plural of fish.
I don't see why that's funny?
'' fishes '' ....... LOL ....... !
TCOM, first you decide if its bait or Duck you talking about ? :)
Anywayz, forget it buddy and have a great day ahead.
Your comments are like putting water on a ducks back. Best is to let it pass.
TCOM, when you throw a bait in the sea...wat do you expect the fishes to do ?
Sit and drool over it ? :)
T. C. What to do when you see some fellow drowning .......... ?
I do not understand why you all take the BAIT?
Subhan Allah !
RIP...we expected the usual hatered comment from your side....nothing new !
I know how you feel when you see such huge number of pilgrims increasing day after day, seconds after seconds....Masha Allah !
T. C. But still there'r so many who refuse to believe and their count is huge .........
Rippy..source please
Ya Allah.....AllahuAkbar...SubhanAllah...Alhamdollilah
Fathima, mohdata, accha, Rip needs to be told about the funds local authorities spend on each & every visitor to any nation ..... in UAE for example ......... a decade back it was equal to 2000 QRs / month / expat ......
Subhan Allah :')
Allahu Akbar!
The comment from Rip Cord is nothing unusual. It appears he was born to hate Muslims. Just for your information Rip, the Saudi govt does not need to publicize Hajj. In fact, the people coming for Hajj is managed through quotas for each country. There are so many of them.
rip: i was fully expecting you to show up..the moment i read the post, my next thought was you..sure the govt makes money..but it spends it too and to say this is a gimmick reeks of tale spinning on your part..just be happy for the woman and be on your way please..and besides, you need to read the new QL guidelines..about just moving on to the next post if you don't like this one and not intentionally provoking folks..
If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer
Who cares about source when one has experienced it personally.. the power of Duas (prayers).. one night is enough with full focus and love.
God works in wondrous ways!
Come on RC..Don't be such a cynic. Anyone knows the authorities don't need any gimmicks to increase pilgrims! In fact they are working out ways to do the opposite.
subhan Allah
Come on guys, do you believe what is in The Saudi gazette? It's just a publicity stunt to increase the number of pilgrims and increase Saudi revenue from these tourists.
May Allah increase his blessings upon her.. I cannot even imagine how happy and fortunate she must feel, not to mention so much less dependent. Such a lovely story and a good reminder to never give up hope!
Allahu Akbar
truly happy for her..to lose your eyesight must be an indescribable pain..and to regain it in this manner, an equally indescribable happiness..god bless the dear lady:-)
truly happy for her..to lose your eyesight must be an indescribable pain..and to regain it in this manner, an equally indescribable happiness..god bless the dear lady:-)