Beware of 'fake' Zamzam

The water with dubious origin was sold as holy zamzam imported from Saudi Arabia. A label in Arabic on the bottles read “Zamzam Maqri” claiming healing powers for the water.
The word ‘Maqri’ implies that water was prepared with rendition of holy verses. The shop had no permission to sell this water in the local market, a local daily reported yesterday.
The fraud was detected by inspectors from Al Rayyan Municipality during a surprise raid. During interrogation, the shop manager claimed that the water was imported from Saudi Arabia and showed some invoices issued by a commercial facility in the kingdom carrying the name ‘Ataratul Faiz’.
The inspectors seized the entire stock of the water and sent samples for tests at the Central Laboratory of the Supreme Council of Health. They showed that the water was not fit for human consumption, said the daily.
The water was contaminated with Coliform bacteria and high level of acidity and the bottle lids were not properly sealed.
Authorities ordered an immediate recall of the product and initiated legal action against the shop for offering an illegal product for sale that tried to exploit consumers’ religious sentiments.
The Ministry of Municipality and Urban Planning has urged the public to be cautious about such products and report to it if they come across any suspected items.
If pilgrims in Makkah are complaining of a shortage of zamzam water for sale, then it's pretty safe to assume that any zamzam water being sold outside of Saudi is fake. http://www.arabnews.com/news/597946
My dear brothers, please see hadith from Bukhari and Muslim below (the two most authentic sources of hadith).
Reported by al-Bukhaari, 3/492. According to the hadeeth of Abu Dharr (may Allaah be pleased with him), the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said concerning the water of Zamzam, “It is a blessing, and it is food that satisfies.” (Reported by Muslim, 4/1922). Al-Tayaalisi (61) added, in a version that he narrated: “and a cure for the sick.” I.e., drinking the water of Zamzam means that a person does not need to eat, and it will cure his sickness – but this is when he drinks it with faith and sincerity, as proven in the hadeeth of Abu Dharr al-Ghifaari who stayed in Makkah for a month without any nourishment except Zamzam water.
My request is to exercise caution in the matters concerning religious affairs. Not only in regards with religion of Islam but any religion. When we say "people who fall for healing powers" we are essentially negating authentic hadith of our beloved prophet Muhammad (pbuh). May Allah save us from making such mistakes and accept our taubah. Jazak Allah Khair.
OMG ..... This is too much
In the holy month of ramadan culprits does not have fear of Allah {swt} the concern authourity should take stringent action against the shop owner and the supplier