Activist calls for transparency in death sentence cases

A Doha-based legal and rights activist has suggested that cases of expatriates sentenced to death in a foreign country should be referred to the top court of the convict’s home country.
Speaking at a recent Migrants Asia conference in Beirut, Nizar Kochery said such a move would ensure more transparency in the judicial process.
He said it would ensure that the accused is rightly heard by the court where his trial was held was heard and that he was given an opportunity to explain his position.
This is done not to evaluate the merits of the case but to ensure that all court procedures are properly taken, Kochery said.
“In the event of a dispute between the apex court and the court that awarded the capital punishment to the accused the issue could be referred to the International Court of Justice,” he said.
Earlier International Labour Organisation (ILO) Senior Specialist for International Labour Standards for Arab States Torsten Schakel highlighted the necessity of addressing the violation of migrant workers rights through international human rights and labour rights treaties.
A further review of resolutions adopted and approved by the conference would be made at the next regional meeting of the ILO, Kochery said.