Next time you watch a Hollywood flick, look out for these stunt doubles!

By Pirate Of The A... •
Who doesn’t love a good action movie? The excitement and adrenaline rush of watching your favourite star do unimaginable stunts is just too much.
Even in these days of VFX and computer graphics, there are some stunts that the stars themselves have to perform. But being multi-millionaires, how many of them do so?
Enter the stunt doubles, those faceless people who are an almost exact physical match of the person they are supposed to portray. They do the hard work and are destined to stay away from the limelight.
Here is a look at some of the famous ones. How many of them do you recognise?
I thought I was using time ............... now I understand ................
Ganesh ........... Very sweet clarification ............ well appreciated my pal ..................
What about some naked body doubles ?
Hey, see I created time now by replying to you MM besides being busy. Usually everybody creates time when they really want it. For example, how you get time to talk to or meet somebody, how do you take time for morning walk/exercise, you put everything else on hold and create it. That's it simple. The interest/need creates time.
As per WT, Ganesh has lied above where he claims that he can create time ............. !! ............
WT, Fully agree with you on this ................ made very inetresting reading .................... everybody understood it well ...........
We provide a discussion of some main ideas in our project about the physical foundation of the time concept in cosmology. It is standard to point to the Planck scale (located at ∼10−43 seconds after a fictitious "Big Bang" point) as a limit for how far back we may extrapolate the standard cosmological model. In our work we have suggested that there are several other (physically motivated) interesting limits -- located at least thirty orders of magnitude before the Planck time -- where the physical basis of the cosmological model and its time concept is progressively weakened. Some of these limits are connected to phase transitions in the early universe which gradually undermine the notion of 'standard clocks' widely employed in cosmology. Such considerations lead to a 'scale problem' for time which becomes particularly acute above the electroweak phase transition (before ∼10−11 seconds). Other limits are due to problems of building up a cosmological reference frame, or even contemplating a sensible notion of proper time, if the early universe constituents become too quantum. This 'quantum problem' for time arises e.g. if a pure quantum phase is contemplated at the beginning of inflation at, say, ∼10−34 seconds.
The full article can be found here:
Just remember that Time waits for no man!
Time is only a concept. It doesn't really exist.
I have lot of time because I don't find time but I create time. Life is a measure of small happiness we enjoy now and then.
Who has that much free time ?