
Hi all
Thought I would update you all with the wonderful offers of friendship I've had on this site!!!
I must be the most luckiest woman alive!!!!
So many young men want to be my 'friend'!! Wow how lucky can a woman get????
These lovely men, like myself, are very 'lonely' and 'missing' their families, just like myself.
Aaahhh don't you feel sorry for them? Hmmm well would you believe it most of them have wives they've left abroad and are now trying to have a little bit of 'fun'!!!
Well my eyes have certainly been opened!!!
All I can say is that if this is what friendship is like in Doha then I'm better off in UK, a western country, where people do not hide their true characters behind the veil of Islam!!
Sorry guys rant over, I feel much better now. Had to tell you all though and btw Doctors are the worse because they have their profession, as well, to cloak them!!!!!
Gal,,, this OP is not a person who looking for a friendship, she/he wanna describe n spotlight a certain religion as a bad mannered religion,so please avoid this person by giving advice or thoughts! ingat po!
i'd say 3 idiots is 1 of the best films i've ever watched,
that i dint mind the too fast subtitle at some scenes ;)
its story has inspired me, it's a must-seen movie really.
anyhow, not ignoring the topic.
Shama, if ye like friendship why not with some ladies
as well? i guess it must be hard to be friends with
guys here esp. this place is quite conservative.
wait, isnt it normal for girls/ladies to have guy friends
and vice versa? esp. group of friends?
i get what Shama means about friendship & not dating.
but i think, either way, you will appreciate friendship or
dating if you see their faces and, indeed, get to know
them, their true colours, eventually.
For me a friendship between man and woman should only be at work place and not outside, discussion about work yes and not about personal life, this is from the Islamic point of view.
Come on guys please think what are the steps which makes man get attracted to woman and vice versa?
I would say as follow:
1st a look or a gaze
2nd a smile
3rd a short talk
4th a date
My advice for those muslims who do not respect them selves please be careful and remember when you cheat your supposee (wife/husband) same thing will happen tomorrow for you supposee.
For a relaxed life for you brothers stick to your values (for muslim brothers).
she had already left to UK via pakistan guys after telling all Qlers Idiots
9.5 times i had PM'd you, still no response Shama - why ? :(
Shama786, blimey lovee, what da yer expect. You think any decent guy is going to write you a PM?
So best advice ignore anyone asking for friendship?
By the way were there any Engineers in those friendly requests. Just checking if Engineers here are decent?
So you are not a girl.. Good luck for searching a lovely man!!! best wishes,,
Oh give them a bloody break! Hitting on you through the Internet ,doesn't mean they will eventually want to ask you out!
House Trolls always stay at home.
This is inevitable on most websites, they will try to seduce you but if they know that you are decent woman, they will refrain from being abusive. Don't entertain them to avoid stress and verbal harassment.
Stay happy!! :)
I'm confused are you a man or woman?
Well said Mr. qatar.
Very nice, So,
1 Keep calm ,
2 Learn & know,
3 Get serious,
4 Some1.
That is the '4 step' way to go.
well depends on you that whom u r going to feindship with and how... if ur freinds are through QL thn keep calm and if through some where else like shopping malls or office thn still keep calm coz u need to learn and try to know everythng before getting serious with some1...
Be thankful this country accepted you to be here.Respect and you will gain what you want.
What makes you doubt ?
??? 1- r u a male or female 2- whats the point that make u called ' idiots' here m sure u got the reason for it but i didnt see u were mention about it.
who pays attention to walking streeet lovers ... just ignore and enjoy the attention :)
U Turn .. like situation ..
but if there are decent Doctors in Doha then I do apologise to them.
Probably just my misfortune that the ones I've spoken to have no decency!!
Once again those of you who are sending me warm welcoming messages and offering friendship I would like to thank you all.
was mentinoned because their words are 'I'm a practising muslim would never think of anything other than friendship'!
For those of you who cannot read properly I had quoted the words that I had used in my original message which were then used in their messages!
I'm a muslim and I think that People like the ones who have offered their 'friendship' to me should be frank and open about why they want to meet people!
I'm a woman and I don't have to prove myself to anyone and I had thought this was a friendly forum where people could talk about their issues, hadn't realised it was a dating site!
Sorry my mistake!!!
Probably get deleted. Just one word in the OP's post needs to be edited. There are horny toads in every country.
If she is so conservative mind, what is she doing on a public forum and involving religion as an excuse? Troll! Maybe you are a plumber by profession in the UK and want to be a teacher here in the middle east ;) :-D
Am bad :)
What she meant was that "These men are lonely. As is she"
Shama786 you should make up your mind what your gender is?
Oh Gracias!!!
The best is when they tell you in the first Email they send you that they love you..
with you Star1234,i have seen it with english subtittle. :)
3 idiots ...its a good movie
who know teacher or cheater ;)
*Shama* as a teacher dont you think mentioning the religion in this such subject doesn't have any respect.
so kindly flag as offensive :) and enjoy ur weekend brite and molten metal
You may have a valid point...
coz wana stir shyte
Why was it necessary to mention a religion.
"These lovely men, like myself, are very 'lonely' and 'missing' their families, just like myself."
So, you are a man?
I am shocked that you are shocked. What did you really expect on such a forum ?
Have a good laugh, put it behind you and focus on making real friends..
Good Luck!