How can I learn French in Qatar?

By ravindraravi •
Myself Ravindra Kumar, is interested in learning French. I am staying in Doha near Matar Qadeem. But I can travel for this.
Can anyone please guide....
Thanks in advance. :)
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I am an associate professeur in French language and earned a PhD from Sorbonne university . I have a strong experience in teaching french. I could help you call me on 55877801
With best regards
Thanks for your suggestion.
But I dont have any friend from those also need to suggest a couple of friends as well.
if you have a friend frok Tunisia & Cameroon, they can help you. because these people speaks good french. It's not just about hiring some teachers & going to some school. Interact with your friends from those country that I've mentioned. If you're a fast learner, you'll be good in speaking french in a very short time. Learning is well absorbed when you are having fun.
you can learn french from the french teacher (Jordani lady)in scholars international school. she teaches the first standard kids. call them 44336336
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