Problem on my medical test, need help plsss!

I was on husband sponsorship ang 2 weeks ago, I went for medical they told me to wait for 3 days for the result. Maybe just 2 days later, I received a sms stating to contact xray section. So I went to xray section last week, they just repeat my xray and they told me to wait for 2 days. Now, exactly 2 days, I received an sms telling me to contact the nursing section. I went to Nursing Section today and inform me that they need to inject me PPD cause they said they found some abnormalities on my lungs. Can you pls help me cause I'm really worrying about the medical result. If the result is positive for this test, is this mean that I can't get the residence permit? Or they will just give me some medication? Thanks in advance for all your help!
She took the test last year November 2009.
@ davidkts -- thanks for the info..i really just worrying..atleast on your statement, i have some peace of mind now..:) thank you so much,..but can i ask when was your wife go for this medical test?
Dont, worry. My wife faced the same problem like you. They suspected you have TB. Usually people from India, Malaysia or others country will have positive reaction due to injection of "Rubella" for girls. Do some research on this. Nothing to be worried. Actually my wife took few type of tests, even though she doesn't have TB infection. They will need you to follow up in TB Section, Rumaillah Hospital. You will need to take 4-6 months medication. You will also get RP even when you are in medication period. God bless!
if the result will be possitive then you have to go back unless some illegal means.I havn't seen but heard about it,so wait what will happen
If the results turns to be positive, then no use, they will deport you immediately, they are very strict on this.
thanks guys!!! when i searched on google, it come to my attention that this PPD test is for suspected having a TB. I'm just wondering how can I have this since I don't smoke and drinking liquour (occasionally only). so if the result turns to positive, they will reject my RP? Or any treatment they will suggest me? thanks!
Trust on Allah and Don’t worry at all Inshallah your test will be ok and think that whatever will happen it will be good for you –inshallah
sorry, if turns to be positive.....
Would it not be better to ask the doctors or nurses??
If your test results turns to be negative, it would be pretty difficult for you to get an RP. They may reject your residency application. If not serious in nature, you may get.
Consult a good PRO. There will be some solutions.
Gud Luck..