I have a cyst in my eye and I am looking for a GOOD opthamologist
By shizalicious •
Hi, I have a cyst on the top lid of my eye and I am looking for an eye doctor.
I had some experience with a Doctor in Doha Clinic but I don't want to go to him again because of the language barrier as he speaks broken english.
I then switched to a Doctor in Magrabi I believe he was Scottish but he isn't there anymore
Pls advise me with a good eye doctor. Not an optometrist I need an ophthalmologist
Could you suggest an Indian doctor. I am not sure where I can refer to one?
There is this eye doctor, who is one of the best in Doha on Al Nasser street. On the same side as Doha clinic, but when you come from Cring (burger king) into Al Nasser street before Doha clinic. Close to "Color Note" shop. I have forgotten the name of the doctor & clinic. There is a sign. In the afternoon no appointment needed. First come, first served. They have several eyedoctors there and handle all kinds of trouble and operations.
Did you check with any Indian doctor ?
please dont under estimate them ?
not for surgery....but for the diagnosis
Al Magrabi which is in Al Ahli Hospital..
your best option is to go back to Magrabi, look for Dr Moones Ali, Ophthalmologist, he speaks english well but not sure if he do cyst removal