Dust from Window A/C

I have these terrible window A/C, one in each room, not mentioning the voices they make i am not able to tolerate the quantity of dust that enters from them.
Ok i understand we are indesert , dust is part of everything, but seriously its too much, i have to clean my filters every 2 weeks, and i have a new born baby in the hoiuse. We are living in company accomodation, so changing them is not really an option.
Is anyone facing this problem? any solution?
PLcal this no he wil solve ur prb 7167561
I am pregnant expecting a new born, will deliver abroad and come back. Thus need to solve problem soon. Were can i find the filter you are advising me about.
Huh? I just thought you were prego and traveling back to your home country for deliver... and now you say you already have a new born????
Seal all the sides of the AC with duct tape... use a micro air filter which will trap even the smallest of dust particles. Keep the fan runing during winter... keeping off will only let in more dust.
Its every home's problem...so dont be so upset with that.If you can afford...go for split units atleast in the bedroom & TV/Living Room.