You post Kerala ...

... I'll post Manchester:
Manchester named child poverty capital of Britain with 25,000 growing up in 'severe poverty'
More children live in 'severe poverty' in Manchester than anywhere else in Britain.
A report by the charity, Save The Children, reveals that a staggering 27 per cent of youngsters – 25,000 – are blighted by the 'shameful' scandal.
There are fears the crisis could worsen as unemployment worsens and government-driven budget cuts bite.
Save the Children is calling on Chancellor George Osborne to draw up an emergency plan to tackle the problem.
The report highlights a case in Gorton, Manchester where eleven people live in one two bedroom terraced house – three adults and eight children.
It says the adults often go without a hot meal to ensure the children eat.
In Salford 20 per cent of children – 8,000 – are in severe poverty.
Baldrick.. cant help, the numbers are too much. :)
Arien, I'm sick of Kerala Living, India Living, Mallu Living, etc, So I'm redressing the balance with Manchester Living :o)
25000 is not a huge amount .. considering we are talking about a city in The United Kingdom... all that you need to abolish it is an uprising as it started in Tunisia.
The people of Manchester and other cities in UK can protest against the governments unnecessary expenditure on Military operations aimed at liberating 'other' nations ignoring domestic issues.
and if such protest can actually compel the govt to stop its external needless activities then they will have excess funds to cash these children easily out of poverty.
ignore the 8000 lets even consider the total 25000 children volume... how much wud it take to pull them into good life... ??? a few generous charities and govt support would do the work.
btw... i may be wrong but i did hear of Drug abuse by UK kids ... now thats a problem
i searched in Google n it listed me all the Gulf Countries :0(
It doesn't on my computer.
Kerela Kerala ... well there you go i typed it and still there is a red line appearing under it... any other options?
Because there is nothing called kerela, try typing Kerala and use a capital K.
its easy to pronounce kerela as in the vegetable but for the state .. 'kerela' it takes quite an effort... u have to spell it from your nostrills.. lmao...
how do u guyz do it.. must be childhood training. haha
the previous thread got deleted so i may say it again in here... the QL spell check does not recognize the word 'Kerela' though it happens to be the most popular subject
Cheers guyz ... jus makin the mood this morning. :P
What does the OP has to do with Kerala? what you meant by that title?
yeeeeeeeks ! ok
Sk what does it mean any idea ?
but what is kerala ?
baldrick, if you could get any news from Timbuktu, please do the same as well. :)
rather than blaming everything on the govt, blame it on the big companies who pay millions to their directors and peanuts to their staff.
saw a program on this a few days back..
It is saddening and shameful that in a developed nation, such a thing should occur.
However, IMHO, the blame lies not only with the government , but with a society that has in many cases become dependent on handouts and government benefits. Ofcourse, those suffering the most are children.
what is kerala ?
nah, BTD, no need for that......
my point is 2432.
again Tumbleweed :0(
and the point is?