would it be better to live in a compound or stand alone villa?

Hi QL,
we are in the process of moving to qatar with 3 children from England. My husband at present is viewing properties both in compounds and stand alone (outside compound)I can see the swings and roundabouts of both but would appreciate appreciate any feedback from members on pros and cons based on experience or experience of friends.
thank you.
Compound ! unless you are willing to pay extra to live in a villa. Villas are not cheap here in Qatar ! I moved like a month ago and been asking myself the same question, but i decided to go with the compound. But again, i dont have children.
You can still find some really REALLY cheap villas in Al Wakra - like 25 minutes away from the city center. A friend of mine lives in a nice stand alone villa and she pays like Q.R 15,000 a month + utilities. Now in Doha, you can find a two bedroom apt , semi furnished for 6000 or 7000 ( my compound for instance ) and its close to the courniche and Suoq Waqef. Compounds usually have gym, swimming pools, sauna and jacuzzi !
If you are looking for a villa here in Doha, you'll be talking about 25,000 to 60,000 QR a month !
Wish you the best .
I must say I agree with the 2 previous posters. However, if having rec facilities close by where you wouldn't have to load up the car might offset the disadvantages of living in your neighbour's pocket.
I would suggest if you go the compound route try to choose one that has a private yard (either front or back) that at least you can decompress a little. Some of the older compounds have bigger yards (but maybe fewer facilities) - there's one behind the Ramada where the person I visited had a smallish grassed back yard with high walls - I was very envious.
My personal preference is stand alone - I value my privacy more than a compound provides for. On the other hand compounds have a lot going for them.
With children the compound may be better as there are usually a number of other children there. Also, most of them have the real swings and roundabouts and pool, tennis court and club house.
I may be wrong but I think compounds are somewhat dearer (possibly as much as 20%) because of the facilities.
I liked our stand-alone in West Bay Lagoon. It was less of a "goldfish bowl." But then, we don't have children.