The woman attacked by the chimp on Oprah

Last night was my first time to know about Charla Nash from the Oprah show. I was sad and shocked to see her face after the chimp attack. She lost her face, two hands, and she’s not able to breathe through her nose. Doctors made a hole through her skin-grafted face for her to feed through a straw. She lost both her eyes. It was so heartbreaking.
We are so blessed that we have two hands intact, a mouth to eat with, nose to breathe through, eyes to look at your daughter with. Sometimes we forget what blessing it is to have these, until you meet someone like Charla. Heard that she was at one point still hoping to be able to see, and only recently did she learn that her eyes were both removed already. I cannot imagine the devastation she must have felt. She is still hoping to be able to meet normal food like pizza, she said. Only heaven knows what miracle it would take for her to be able to do that in the future. And I thought for a while there, that eating pizza is so routine!
I was up all night thinking about her, wishing her strength to go on. No one knows what kind of life is ahead of her. By looking at her life now, all life problems seem to be so small, so insignificant.
There was no chimp on the Oprah Show. It was a lady who was attacked by a chimp 9 months ago revealing her injuries for the first time.
it really break me..and cried too much when i see her interview..
didn't get what the post meant....
i'm with da and brit.
a comma is used primarily for separating things, i suggest you learn to use it.
so sad to see her face. cant imagine her suffering.
What upsets me is that so many people will continue to keep wild animals as "exotic pets". We need stronger laws and better enforcement -- especially here in Qatar where there is such a huge illegal animal trade.
Money can buy a lot of things but it can't buy common sense.
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
Allowing animals to be exposed to this kind of media frenzy is cruelty. I am not surprised that the chimp turned on his / her tormentors and so the woman got what she deserved. Why can't stupid people just leave animals in their natural surroundings, instead of putting them on a moronic TV show? It's just a pity that it wasn't Oprah herself (and her producer / director) who was bitten by the chimp. Who knows? Maybe next they will have a killer whale or a tiger, as this kind of publicity just pushes up their ratings, and everyone will be realy surprised and shocked when an animal just does what comes naturally. Bless the chimp for being a fighter!
So sad :( I was teary while watching her!!!
I hope God gives her strength to move on!! And indeed, she is a SUPERWOMAN, to take out the veil and show her face. How strong is she?? WOW, I wish I had some of her strength.
My heart goes to her
oh my...that picture made my knees go weak :( i would just like to die in that state. bless her for being a fighter
* Love me or hate me...go figure *
Indeed very very sad and disturbing image of her
I did see her interview on but her face was not clear. Now when i have seen her, i really felt very sorry for her
She is really a SUPERWOMAN who still has a will to live and move on with her life which will indeed by not easy at all
and poor Charla had to suffer for the rest of her life for the stupidity of the owner of this wild animal.
couldn't there be a petition of some kind to some level of your lawmaking bodies to prohibit this in the future, in the light of this case?
Sadly owning wild animals in the US is not only legal - it's fairly easy as well. You have to apply for a special permit but you don't need any experience with the species animals to get one and there are no checks once you have it. You can buy baby primates a big cats on the internet for not a lot of money.
The awful thing is that this was an adult male that had already gone crazy when it escaped from the owners car. (WHY was it in her car?! What if it had attacked her whilst she was driving?) It ran around the town terrorising people and trying to attack them. The authorities did nothing about it and let the owner take him home again. The owner decided it was fine and she could control him if he went mad again. Obviously she couldn't.
You will never be able to completely tame a wild animal and this is proof of it.
no problem you can attack britexpat with daggers any time you want.
DaRude, pardon me, pardon me plz
phoenix, let's just hope that she continues to believe in that, for her sake. she would need a pretty deep reason to keep holding on.
chelsea, i was asking the same thing. isn't there a law in US prohibiting domesticating wild animals?
me thought the same
i realized the same, as soon as i clicked Submit. Sorry about that :) English isn't my first language.
The sad thing is even a horrific incident like this won't stop people owning wild animals as pets. People see this and think "it'll never happen to me" and then go and buy themselves a chimp, a cheetah, a baboon... Whatever happens to be in fashion.
Sadly I think it's going to take a lot more of these attacks before people start to think twice about getting a cute pet.
What if it had been a child? Could you live with yourself if your "pet" did this to someone? I personally blame the owners of the chimp - why did they have a wild animal loose around the house?
OMG, i watched yesterday the show to see the two soldiers who shot the psychiatrist, but i couldn't watch this part, i was having my dinner/lunch/breakfast and really couldn't continue to watch, seeing the attached picture now, i'm relieved i didn't continue watching.
wow, she's a fighter, she deserves to live even with all her problems, everything has a reason in this life, and definitely her life is good for someone somewhere.
I thought that you meant a woman had been attacked by a chimp whilst on The Oprah Show :O(
i guess most people would. she said she was thinking of the same in the beginning. probably the fact that she does not see, and has no hands to feel it, she does not realize it. sometimes, not knowing is such a blessing!
I agree with you Olive...
So sad... my heart is broken!
Omigod I'd rather be dead.