Who are the authorities to complain to about the illicit affairs of CISG teach.asst Dessa Pedida Encisa?

If schools do not tolerate unethical behavior, what are the possible punishment for them, expulsion or jail? I want to know the numbers and names of the proper authorities in Doha where filing of complaints against said teaching assistant can be done. Would also like to know if Cambridge or schools tolerates this unethical behavior of employees?
Thanks LTFO for the relevant info. Thanks Mariecor, Anna, chairboy and thanks to those who held back their violent judgment and sympathy before knowing the full story. Had done talking with the 2 of them a few years ago & silently prayed and hope that things are ok. Unfortunately, the meekness and compassion was taken as tolerance for their actions. A well educated Filipina should have not intentionally email their pics and messages to my son who is greatly affected. I hope that Filipinos educated as they are can show their morality and uprightness even when they are in a distant land. Though it may leave distaste for some people, sometimes a bitter pill is necessary to cure the ailment and I pray that when you get to my situation you would have a more enduring and patient disposition than I. God Bless!!
This is an outrageous post - are you a troll?? Why dont you sort out your personal cr.p indoors with the only person that matters in this issue - your husband. If you can expend effort on this public forum then I am sure that you are more than capable of finding out this information for yourself and not resorting to the population of Qatar living. Get hold of a decent Solicitor or Lawyer and vent your spleen on then - they are being paid to listen to your bile and vitrile. This is a domestic issue and nothing to do with us - I think you will find that the authorities will be less sympathetic than even I am and frankly, given your tone and attitude in this post, I wouldnt blame them..
Wow, make sure that you have sufficient proof of the so called ''illicit afffair'' coz it might come back to haunt you in the end. If its just hearsay well I can say you ruined her as a person and youre ruining your relationship with your husband.
You should try to talk and settle your issues privately and dont if theres no positive outcome then go to proper authorities.
Its foul that you even mentioned her name in a public forum. I was hoping that a ''manager'' would know how to manage herself.
Sort things out with your husband and please act as educated as possible as we try to show the world that we Filipinos are well mannered and well educated people, dont try to destroy that by doing such thing in public forum.
God Bless You...
in her profile, she wrote that she is a manager...wow! are you really a manager?
btw, if you will report the "illicit affair" to the authorities, be ready for the consequence it may take as your husband will also be jailed and deported. What advantage of your revenge resulted to you then? Can you bring back your husband to you?
I suggest you solve your problem alone with him, else you decided to ruined your marriage or relationship forever.
If you need contacts of authorities Google is always available to serve you.
And by the Way this is not the place the raised this issue, don't be a disgrace to your country-fellowmen.
I am not sure about contacts, but maybe Supreme Educational Council can help.. Just Google it..
Why do you have to mention her name in public? Solve your problem with your husband first before humiliating the concern in the public. You cannot stop their illicit affair by posting your concern here. You will just make your relationship with your husband worst.