Hi all,
I have a 7-year old doughter. She will be going to second grade next year and does not speak English. we are planning to move to Qatar in September.
Since she has to learn english first, which school do you recommend? I also wonder about the Prices for the primary schools ?
Thank you all,
Dear Silvio,
To answer your original question, I would say that most international schools in Doha would probably not rule out admitting your daughter because of her limited English. However, there may be other factors to consider, such as the fact that some schools definitely give places to the children of British passport holders. Remember that there is a shortage of school places in Qatar and therefore most schools have long waiting lists.
Another thing that you should bear in mind for your seven year old is what is usually called "the school run". Getting your child to and from the school of your choice may not be as easy as you think. When I was teaching in Cairo, there were children in Key Stage One (the junior part of the school) who had forty-five minutes of travelling before and after school. That's just too long for most six year olds!
As a rule, I would say that a seven year old would not find starting at an international school too daunting, provided that the school is able to offer at least some EAL (English as an Additional Language) support. I am currently teaching a Year 5 class at the British School of Bucharest and I have had several students who have started with this year little or no English. It takes about a term for them to settle in and to be able to start taking an active part in everything that the other children in the class are doing. Of course, most European languages are not so different, whereas a child whose first language is Japanese or Chinese would find it rather harder.
Thats what i am planning to do and cuz of this im asking.Smile.
swissgirl, come to Doha and you'll see.
Check out the other posts today and yesterday about rents and food costs. Schools are no different.
How is that in Doha,you have to pay from the first year on?Beaucse here in Swiss any child can make the first 9 years free.If it is a public scool.The private scools are expensive but you can try to become some help from the state.
How much are Newton's fees, Alexa?
Here are fees for some of the primary schools in Doha.
Doha English Speaking School (DESS) QR 20,100.00 ($5507) per year
American School of Doha QR 34,240 ($9381) per year, also a "capital charge" of QR 12,775 ($3500) must be paid at the beginning of the school year. This is in addition to the fees.
Doha College QR 22,038 per year ($6038) and an additional QR 3000 ($822) "capital charge" to be paid at the beginning of the school year.
Park House QR 18000 per year ($4931).
Also be aware that these schools charge registration fees for first time enrollment that vary between QR500 and QR3650.
Not very much and it will be taken care of by the University.
Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig 2 graves...
Some of the Qatar University Staff kids that speaks French, Yugoslavia etc. goes to Newton School.
Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig 2 graves...
Schools are a problem. It's very difficult to find a place. Some schools have closed their waiting lists.
Search the forum for school discussions, there's a lot.
Expect to pay an average of $2000 per term (3 terms in a year).