Russian Early Learning Club for under 5's

Hi guys,
I am not sure if I am allowed to post this sort of info here.
You are welcome to come to our sessions once a week in different locations which are to be confirmed each week. We will try and encourage children to practise the language through story telling, singing and playing. It is free and has been organised by a few russian-speaking mums who are willing to host the lessons in turn.
Our next meeting will be held this Thursday at 18.00 in dahl al hamam park on the field opposite the playground. Could you please bring smth to sit on and also a russian book if you've got any. We would do some reading this time and exchange books so that children were more encouraged to listen to stories at home too. Somebody else's books are always more interesting, aren't they? :) We will also start learning russian alphabet through play. The plan is to start reading sessions after New Year. All children under 5 are welcome to attend. I am afraid it would be a bit boring for the older ones but they could play around or help us with reading out loud. Or maybe recite some poems they know. Or maybe just be bored and relaxed for a little while :)
Jus fo kida? i always wanted to know russian language
Thanks, Novita.
We will be meeting in Sheraton Park at the playground just after 15.30 every Saturday and then move to the lawns. The park is centrally located and it is easy for most people to get to. You are all welcome.
contact alumnar who run ql mums in doha, there are some russian mums speaking in the group.