QL Friends Circle - Indians

By ravishankarmg •
Like minded people with families in Qatar are always searching for family friends to spend week ends with a change.
Earlier groups are full and need no more members and new comers wait desperate. Search for native speakers in Super markets and Malls.
Browsers of Qatar Living, can we take initiatives to find our new friend and form new circles along with our old ones.
More we interact, more we grow.
Its easy to form a circle of like minded people but to retain them is the art. I see the topic rollout of the content and stops somewhere baselessly.
So lets continue to bring all the like minded people under one comment and later finalise
I had plans to conduct many programs and events which the ADMINS of this website ruined!! I m not mentioning it, they knows better.
is anyone going to India ( goa ) before 9th august.please contact me.
i hope the Indian friend circle works for me
lol...I just thanked for the effort on part of 'admins'...you getting concerned with that too..:) Don't think more than required.
"Also will resist my urge to contribute to QLIG for its betterment or anything hereafter and this could be treated as my last post on matters related to QLIG and I would not be dragged into it any further either through your response or anything. Matter closed."
What more you expect from the admins?
Bloody INDIANS.... always fighting! ;-))
Abe if you guys will fight then what's my use on this site :(
come on guys. dont be like kidoes. Grrrrrr
Its OK...even if I want to cannot stoop to your level.
P.S.: Thanks anyways for deleting my account from the group saving me the effort to do that.
Can you see the smiley after that sentence? That was a bloody joke to put the things back to normal! Now i pity your childish attitude deleting all your nonsensical gibbers.
Indeed a wise decision. Good Bye !
rms...I dont think there was any need to talk about my personal life or getting personal twice .... we can always talk things within the frame. Anyways, would shut myself up as I cant be sure what all you can bring up here about me. Also will resist my urge to contribute to QLIG for its betterment or anything hereafter...no need to say...who cares...I can understand. Just wish we can be 'gentlemen' and this could be treated as my last post on matters related to QLIG and I would not be dragged into it any further either through your response or anything. Matter closed. To this effect, I have deleted all my posts above.
@ drmana...you never ever show up on any gatherings...how could he interact with you when OP needs company of people physically not virtually...:)
Do you have any idea how many members were there in QLIG in its first couple of months? It was countable in fingers. And when we organized that party, there were around 300 members and you know the number of participants??
It was around 6 QLIG members + their families + few other QL guests and few members of Pakistan group.
According to your logic, what would be the situation if i organized a coffee meet when there were only 50 below members? I would have been drinking the coffee all ALONE!! Get the statistics right and be practical dood. No offense please, You would understand better if you are in my shoes.
Comparison help us to improve our mission. I need not explain that to a guy who holds 'two' MBA. ;=)
Exactly Arien, they should have at least replied their YES or NO factor which they dint. You know that better. And people from their side starts pointing fingers.
Jack: I don't think movie night will work out during 'ramadan' since those people including me wont be comfortable during those days.
true..yalla..true...ramdan movies haraam!!
Ramadan time movies its harram............... :(
RMS How about a movie night out?.... around 7pm/8pm...at CC or Villagio on Thursday 12th!...all bars will be closed so that's the only option :(
I dont know about the Ramadan fasting hours and the theater timings...but still its an option!
yes... stop blaming others & decide, when and where to meet.... am ready to meet QLIG members....
rms - where are u ??
Ok its time to stop bashing and innovative ideas are expected
rMs ? yes he is handling ver well QLIG
Watdapak WTF you gotta do with QLIG? shut up.
Happy ..we are all to be blamed, Few very innovative things rms wanted to do was discouraged and turned down by the QL admin, he had communicated to them many at times, after the initial replies they got lost.
Da If you are talkin in favor of the QL management and you wana make the groups and forum more active, you owe us an explanation on that. am sure rms wouldnt mind forwarding you all those mails exchanged.The QL management should support the groups and the users who run it dedicating their time and effort, end of the day they are the beneficiaries.
Omg, this thread has turned into an ugly bashings...guys, chill now...
I would always love to associate myself with QLIG..I would love to see a big party once i will be bk to DOHA..:)) ...Now CHEERS !!
Are your in a drunk state of mind happy? Or is that you dont follow English?
Now where is that idiot who lightened the fire and escaped?
haven't you read the thread? there HAS been an event... please get your facts straight before pointing fingers at others, shows YOUR lack of responsibility as a group member
"if you as manager take the initiative to arrange atleast one gathering "
This shows your attention as a member of QLIG.
Check out those threads. And did the ball roll?
It is the typical attitude here we see in QL. As i said earlier, QL should be restructured from the management level who preach and don't practice.
just because ravishankar is Indian, push him in to QLIG? Who is anyone apart from him to judge which group suits him best?
Its odd that Darude who is an active member of QLSG is so eager to push ravishankar in to QLIG instead and heap blame on it as well
There isn't just one group that a new member could fit in to
But then may be his passport is not the right colour
Besides, the blame on QLIG manager is unnecessary, we had a get together a while back and it was nice
There were even members invited from other groups
Even members who have been ostracized from QLSG without being given any logical reason like me were welcomed
But then again, what if my four year old should spill his orange juice on one of the aunties sunday best skirts... Oh no no no we cannot have that...
In any case the QLIG manager has shown spunk to defend himself... much better than other managers I used to know who wilt at even the slightest hint of criticism and then threat to resign every other day and then sulk for days on end licking imaginary wounds and pining to be patted.. atleast rMs did away with that drama!!
I agree with rMs, if I post that news in Main Forum, I will get 100 replies in an hour, 90% Indians commenting when I post it in QLIG it will get
We have to make groups accordingly
I am using FaceBook for this
but on QL which options we have ? ? ?
I was not 'blaiming' the members. It is just a fact. There are 236 threads in QLIG ranging from Funnies, Movie updates, technology, politics etc.. So are you trying to say that the whole 236 threads are junk? I bet, if you select one out of that and post in the main forum, it shall touch 30+ comments. And me not posted in your thread, i dont remember which on it is. Might be out of my interest like politics. And I dint ask the members to comment on all the threads created in QLIG. Out of 404 members, 390 members NEVER showed up in ANY of the threads. Change the attitude of getting spoon fed and come forward, there is nothing like only the manager should take initiative, Why don't the members? They too have the right to organize events.
drmana...that shows that your inner self wants to come out & interact in person but you are strangling that feeling of yours....let it sometimes get better of you...:)
Would surely want to be part of one.
Happy, I forgot that I exist only virtually while posting that ;-)
There is very little response to some threads in Indian group. I start many topics there but sometimes it is discouraging not to get even a single response :(
cherukan grow and be a man :) then get married :P
What about if someone does not have their family in Qatar?
Is there an option for mass deletion? Then the members of the group will diminish to >10 !!
Moreover, what is the use for forcing them to be active if they are not interested?
I want to interact with someone ... Please help me..
Chill down guys..
So where is the next event or meetup!!!
delete the rest send them warning if no body replies remove them and get active users.
THREE years back DaRuDe?? ROFL !
QLIG is not even a year old !!! The group was formed on August 15th 2009.
And I'm NOT talking about the Email notification and stuffs (That request was a recent one) Before that, I have PM'd Qatari and Ahmad to organize a very big contest. Neither they ate the grass nor they allowed me to eat!! And I don't blame them. They should have at least replied for my query which they told they will. QL needs to restructure from the Management level itself.
And about the members, i was talking about the inputs they give in threads opened in QLIG. Maximum of 10 or less. How can we organize an event when the members doesnt even post anything in the forum!!
3years back
2 events.
you did it.
Now lack you blame members. and Admin interrupting how?? That they didnt give you email access??? nice.
The drama group worked without email access because the manager had all the email ids. So dont blame the admins just because you couldnt figure out a way to do your events.
The drama group is always active just not now because of weather conditions and because most of the members are on vacation AND DO READ THE TOPIC EVENTS ARE NEVER HELD IN SUMMER TIME that topic i posted long time ago with in 3years. so blame yourself who missed reading it.
any1 seen a movie once upon a time in mumbai ??
There are almost 25+ groups for countries which includes QLIG. If you look at the statistics, you can see that Indians group which was formed a year back stand 3rd place in total number of threads started following Filipino group and pakistan group which was formed 3+years back.
And organizing events in a 'proper way' No idea what you meant, but we have organized only one get together and it was a great success. Look at these thread for more info.
And let me remind you, there is a group only for socializing (Indeed a drama group) which is dead since May 2010! So, Is that group also a useless one? :-)
And i had plans to conduct many programs and events which the ADMINS of this website ruined!! I m not mentioning it, they knows better.
And as Arien said, group members also lacks their contribution.
My family is presently on vacation. Nonetheless count me in the forum whenever we form ...
DA I think brdging SFO and Hawai is easier
fix it then try fixing it get harsh and strict. if any one is interested then they will contribute no matter what.
QLIG has one of the best manager. The members lack initiative and unity.
i think the best idea is to visit the QL meet ups...u will get lots of people from QL family
afrin, even we are asking the same from OP..
thhis seems to be a grt ieda..So how do we plan to execute it?
Lol drmana
lol drmana..we will give you the invitation..don't worry...
Why interact only with your countrymen....others like us are not so bad ;-)
darude, which 5 groups are useless??
What else you need, QL circle of friends- INDIANS? My dear look around you, no need i think.
If the QLIG manager manages every event in a proper way then there was no need to post this topic.
There are about 5 groups i think and all are useless.
yeah he wants a group of families (may be his native speakers) for weekend outing and all
Darude, i think the OP wants something more than the QLIG....
The Indian Group
So how to proceed in this noble work??:))