No breastfeeding hour in Ramadan?

I have a 8 months baby, and where I work I get an hour for breastfeeding. So I go home an hour before the 8 normal working ours of the company.
In Ramadan, HR has told me that I wont get it. That we will work 6 hours, and I will work 6 hours with them.
Should I still get a breastfeeding hour?! I get this hour for the 1st year of my son's life. Technically even if they minimize the hours, I still get to work less that everyone, if you know what I mean!!!!!!!!
Anyone can tell me if I still need to get it? I need to investigate this so that I can still get my hour.
Thanks for clarifying SPEED. I thought that must be the case.
sorry tallg, just seconding speeds 1st post
The issue of Ramadan hours applies to both Muslims & Non-Muslims:
Part Seven
Regulation of the Working Hours and Leave
Article (73)
The maximum ordinary working hours shall be 48 hours per week at the rate of 8 hours per day with the exception of the month of Ramadan when the maximum working hours shall be 36 hours per week at the rate of 6 hours per day.
In regards to women who are nursing:
Part Nine
Employment of Women
Article (97)
The nursing female worker shall be entitled in addition to her entitlement to the rest interval provided for in Article (73) of this law during the year following the year of delivery to a nursing interval which shall not be less than 1 hour per day. The fixing of the nursing times shall be made by the female worker.
The nursing interval shall be calculated as part of the working hours and shall not result in a deduction of wage.
Since Fasting is mandatory/ must, she will have to continue fasting (in any other month/ days) once she stopped breastfeeding.
Anyway, aren't breastfeeding mothers exempt from fasting? Not eating and drinking all day will have a severely detrimental effect on your breast milk and therefore potentially damaging affects for your child.
That's not the issue being discussed johnpur. It's whether new mothers still get their breastfeeding hour.
less since due to Ramadan working hours are reduced to 2 hrs less.
My apologies for mistaken you.
Ramadan hours
Working hours during Ramadan should not exceed eight hours, including two hours of overtime, Labour Inspection Department director Mohamed Saeed al-Naimi said. “This law applies to Muslims and non-Muslims alike,” he added.
MD, fasting doesn't apply to children.
suzan - if you're only working 6 hours you don't need the breastfeeding hour. This hour is not for your benefit (so you "get to work less than everyone"), but for your babies.
im sure the husbands won't agree with this one
less hours in Ramadan. As if we are doing favours by fasting
Reminders before Ramadan
"Technically" you should not breastfeed during daylight in Ramadan. Let your Baby fast and get used to the reality!
6 hours is normal during ramadan its excluding the one hour break....i think your HR is right.
like for me i work 7 hrs during ramdan and the rest of the muslim staff they work for 6 hrs.
Aana free, jaana free,
Pakde gaye tho khana free.
I am Muslim.
What are you saying?
I was asking if I should work 5 hours and not 6 as I get the less hour.
HR here told me that I will work 6 hours. I just need to know if this is right.
Labour Ministry that they allow Non Muslims to work same hours as Muslims during Ramadan.
And you should Thanks to God that you got 2 hrs less to work for 1 months :-)