
One of my staff who is working under me, he used filthy words to me and used words about my wife at work place infront of co-staff as well customers. The company doesent care of anything about this could any one advise me where i have to complient regarding the same to shariya court or some where else.
Can't you use your brain as to what to do if someone has misbehaved with you and even used filthy words for ur wife??
I feel pity on you for this that you didn't take any action at the same time..
Your silence will increae his guts to harass you evenif he works under you..
I hope you got my point..
Sticks and stones can break my bones but words will never hurt me. Get over it.
I think you never played Boxing or Karate. He doesn't deserve to have at least front 6 teeth.
what was the reason of him doing that ? if u don't stop him now he will definitely do such acts more in future...
u should not ask this question in QL,
u should have taken immediet action.anyway think and do.
u should not ask this question in QL,
u should have taken immediet action.anyway think and do.
If he works "under" you, you can sit on his face until he stops breathing.