Immigration Dept. Why they doing like this?

Before some days, I went to the Immigration Dept. Abuhamour. Before i go there, I finished all the requirements to stamp my wife's visa. I just have to get the visa stamped on the PP and the ID.
When I reach there at 10am, I went to the ticketing section. There was a Qatari and I Showed him the documents and he told me that 'we cannot make it today. time is over. come tomorrow or today eve...'
That's ok. may be they have lots of work... I agree.
Next day, i went there at 8:am, there was another guy in the ticketing dept. and i showed him the documents. He refused to give the ticket!! aaaggg! i donno why!!! he is asking me to speak in arabic! I told him i donno arabic, I have to make my wife's visa! again he refused. and I waited in the door to find someone who can help me... I waited about half an hour. at last the cope/security inside the office helped me. with his recommendation, i got the ticket.. alhamdulillah!
I got my passport stamped but not the ID. because the machine was not working, the lady in the counter told me to come evening or sunday morning.
I went again on Sunday Morning!!!
I went to the same counter... bt the lady was different!! She told me that, the lady who stamped ur visa is on vacation... come another day!!! :( :( OMG!!!
I showed her the PP and she told me I am helpless!!
I went to another counter, they told me the same.. and they have no idea when she is coming back!!!
at lats, I stopped going ther!
I made a XEROX of the ID stamped in the Passport...
now I am using that!!
What an Idea!!!
so that's the reason why expatriates are more preferred to be hired in most private offices here in Qatar over the need to elaborate for the reason..the posted forum topic speaks itself for the reason..
still police will be asking for the original id and 1 more thing.. next time it wil b very difficult to get xtension of visa without id bcoz u hv to surrender the old id..
well you should get your id from the abu hamour office .. sooner or later.. same happen to me at the post office.. but they gave it a cpl of hrs later.. they dont know how to operate the equipment and keep on screwing it again n again..
Are you sure about the post office thing?
Will be really ridiculous if true
well that just sums up Qatar, what other country would you go to the Post Office to get your PP and ID stamped for a visa issue...
At the first place you should have gone to the General post office, they would have stamped the rp and given the id in 5 mins. May be you should go to the Post office and talk to them, they might help you.
they are just incompetant...learn to expect that in Qatar and you'll be fine!!
You are looking for reasons where there are no reasons
halo dear friend
Dont take one friend who knowledge in good speak Arabic.then you go to stright the office.and he will explain to them.i think your talking they did not understand.please do that will you get it that is very simple. Or not can complain to write one letter to head section.they are will help you
I think they find joy in screwing you around! They probably all know how to work the machine that makes the stamps, How could an important government office have only 1 qualified person? What would happen if they died un-expectedly. All visas stop I think not. Is there more than one office that can do this function?