How much to pay a "part time" maid/nanny
We may be hiring a "part-time" maid/nanny (more nanny than maid) to help us from 2pm-7/8pm during the kids' witching hours. She will likely do this 5-6 days/week plus one full weekend day, for a total of 35 hours or so (probably more). The idea is to have her here as much as we can until we are able to find a good live-in maid, which she is fully aware of.
She lives with friends and has a sponsor who is willing to let her work elsewhere, if it matters.
Her normal rate is 25QR/hour for part-time work, but is it still the going rate if she's working at 35+ hours/week at a single employer (us) on top of her other jobs? Would it be less since it's pretty much a full-time position? Should it basically be a salaried position at that point?
On a similar note, it is plausible that she will be able to work full-time for us (not clear on live-in or live-out), in which case we obviously would discontinue our search for a maid/nanny. In this case, I'm *really* not sure what to pay her. If she's accustomed to 25QR/hour then I can't see her going for even a "high" maid wage of 2,500-3,000QR.
She's from South America and speaks excellent English. . .and doesn't seem "like a maid" at all; I'm a bit embarrassed at the thought of her cleaning my house, actually! When she came to the compound playground to meet my son, several of the other moms were shocked to learn that she was a prospective maid/nanny; their comment was "wow, very well-dressed and professional for a maid!" She's clearly capable of much more than being a simple maid/nanny and very likely will do much more.
Any thoughts on her hourly rate and a potential salary (or anything else I should consider)?
Expat Sueño
thank you so much!
Mia18, you may want to post on also. There are a lot of ladies looking for nannies there. You could line up some interviews for your sister.
i heard you need a nanny,i hope you still sister is kind,patience,honest,and lovable to baby/kids.i asure you that you will find to my sister a good nanny.she will come here in doha first week of february as visiting visa.if you still need and if you are interested give me pm.thank you so much!have a nice day!
Wow! Good luck!! Glad you've got sorted after the 'incident' lol
My understanding is that if she lives in the salary is less than the hourly wage because of the extra compensation in the form of housing, food and sponsorship (paperwork, vacations, airfare, etc.)
expat sueno , if that helper really good, look after it. In doha good domestic helper is hard to find ...
See you tomorrow ... x
If I were to offer my services for, say, Litigation Consulting or CPA work (my background), then I would likely give the client a break on my hourly rate if I was working virtually full-time for that client. Hopefully that makes sense. . .that's why I was wondering if 25QR would still be appropriate.
Apparently it is, and so that's what we'll pay :o)
Expat Sueño
At present 25 is the going rate for babysitting
I'm not worried about my husband - never even crossed my mind :)
If 25QR is the going rate, then so be it. I wasn't sure it it was still the going rate when she would basically be a full-time employee, but apparently it is.
I am more worried about my husband fainting when he hears how much she'll cost - haha!
Only i fshe look so well and so on, maybe is out for your hubby? Be carefull, keep your eyes open. But if she is wery good and not only looking nice, then she is definitly worth 25QR/hour , of course if you consider, that you can afford it. Good luck!
Luckily you got the best Nanny as you are looking for..
Why u r thinking again for the Salary?
She is demading reasonable per/hr rate.
Otherwise Kindly findout the INDONESIAN OR ANY ASIAN NANNY u can get from the agency available here in Qatar.
As well you can bring yourself...with the help of AGENCIES avaialable here.
For the time being you should stay with her, if you dont have any other choice,