Hiring house keeper on others sponsorship

By paradisevirus •
I posted it earlier, didnt get discussion on same hence re-posting to get ur responses.
I was looking for a house keeper as my wife is sick and urgently we need helping hand in house, so on giving adv. i got call from a maid who is not of my nationality. She has a valid visa and in under sponsorship of one qatari. She needs job and wants to live-in and work.
Is it legal to hire her?
She also said i can talk to her sponsor if i want to.
Can u QLers guys suggest me, can I hire her, is it compulsory to sponsor house maid to keep her in house.
Also what other mandatory things are needed to be considered.
Thanks in advance.
Your clothes are stinking, all dishes are full of left overs, and the kids are not being fed.
Maybe if you'll process those papers and by the time it will be finished, Your wife will be well and everything will be back to normal.
U can ask NOC from her sponsor, stamped by immigration office if she is able to provide you can hire.
Completely illegal. You could get sued.
its ok if her previous employer give her a letter stating to work for you.
You can, as long as the sponsor provide with a no objection letter, stamped by the immigration office. Meet her sponsor and discuss. It happens that the family of the sponsor is out of country so they need to keep her in another place till they return.
It is illegal here to work under different sponsorship.
Well one cannot be sure, because this applies to work visa, you can hire with no objection letter from her sponsor, its better you can check in immigration dept..