Eid plans?

Its my first Eid in Doha... Can anyone suggest where to go or what to do? I have two young kids and would love to take them out for maybe brunch/lunch and somwhere to play.
Do any of you women go to eid prayers? I used to go in the states..if you do, please suggest a mosque I can drag the kids with me to ;-) thanks
where's the zoo?
@ t_coffee_or_me and Eco-savvy: notice that I said in SOME zoos in SOME states! and I knew that by looking at how poor the people are in SOME cities that will result in poor zoos! logic!
we took a take away menu home with us... so will definately be ordering soon;-P
I am working today:-(
The Mutton Kurma was delicious:-) So was the Saffron rice and the family bread baskets;-)
Loved the free poppas:-P
my friend lives hmmm... let me explain...
at Shell R/A right, down to the R/A... won't give exact directions, but lets just say its near Kebabji:-)
and I brought dinner from there the other evening...
was delicious... will be returning, often, since now my friend lives in Wakrah and we recon Caravan will have issues delivering all the way out there;-P
Do Biryani Hut deliver?
saudana: check your pm
yep kids will be there, and i am sure your kids will also enjoy with them....
Lucky Luciano ...would you be coming to the BBQ?
Read properly before commenting
lool at the worlds thinnest elephant!! @lv4u..thanks for suggestions.
wish to join their bbq outing,
but im new here,
maybe im not welcome yet:(
You suggested her to go to the Zoo to see the world's thinnest Elephant???????????????
welcometo QL...
yes u can go forprayerin Mosque...if u r near to Mall roundabout...there is a big Mosque,,,at the back of REGENCY HALLS and also have,,,seperate place for womens...!
for ur kids,,,as MR.M said: You can take your kids to Jungle Zone,at the Hyatt Plaza or to xtreme world at the City Center,the kids will be very occupied with the activities they offer!.
thanks for the suggestions!! bbq in this heat??? I cant imagine..but it sounds interesting..will there be kids also..
I will probably check out the khutba near souq waqif..thanks all
as far as the zoo...its too hot anyway..lol
I want to see all humans caged
rare. Zoo keepers are barbarians, I will stone them
What will a Syrian know about India Have you visited a zoo in India or are you so qualified to comment?
saudana: we on ql have made a plan for BBQ if you want you can join us
be there
@ saudana : You can also take ur kids to the ice rink in City center or Villagio.
@ t_coffee_or_me: yes the cages of animals isn't as big as the ones in the west. but its heaven compared to some zoos in some states of India..
Saeedkan will u provide me with discount if I wanted to visit the BRIYANI HUT? :d
Zoooo????????????? am sure u feel very sorry for animals in Qatar Zoo....
Well, Howdy then.
Im from New York :-)
may I ask why you would like to know, Jon?
thank u!!! I love QL..where else can one get feedback that fast? :-)
Have you visited the Zoo?
That is the worst place to take kids or even adults. Most animals are kept in dirty small cages and smell filthy and look half starving.
Saudana,yes women do go to Eid prayer here in Qatar.The masjids have arrangments for that and you can take your kids along as well.
You can take your kids to Jungle Zone,at the Hyatt Plaza or to xtreme world at the City Center,the kids will be very occupied with the activities they offer!.
EID MUBARAK and ALLAH SWT bless you.
i agree with Observer... Zoo is the best place for kids this coming EID...
Zoo would be a nice option if the weather was nice (which is difficult!)
You can also take your kids to the amusement parks found in almost all the malls in Qatar like in Villagio(the best),land,city,sana,hayat.