domestic violence on the rise

The number of reported cases of violence against women in Qatar rose 54 percent from 2010 to 2011 and continues to increase, according to the Qatar Foundation for the Protection of Women and Children’s Rights, the Peninsula reports.
Physical assaults at home and in the workplace, as well as sexual violence and “mental torture” were among the complaints lodged, the organization said during a recent event to raise public awareness about women’s rights.
Qatar currently has no law specifically criminalizing domestic violence, but is working on legislation that would define and outlaw such acts by 2016.
The report goes on to state that 11 percent of these attacks take place in the work place.
This is alarming to see such a recent and sharp rise. Is it a case of more awareness and reporting or are their more incidences of violence?
Source updated. [Mods]
What about psychological disorder, poor understanding and no compatability.
The solution is family counselling and if no resolution then
Separation or divorce, what is most feasible.
Difficult to say, violence can be a learned behavior, it can stem from poverty, from lack of education, from mental illness.
Education and awareness would be methods of combating it.
and how can this violence be reduced from your point of view?
The OP got deviated from absense of strong laws to protect domestic violence and guardians of the society to uproot crimes.
The resolution is very straight either to live in the mess or leave for good.
What in the world does this have to do with domestic violence?
So you agree that there must be some punishment.
Thank you
I didn't say there should be no punishment Straight Arrow, I said that capital punishment doesn't work.
What are the things to decrease these crimes:
1. Drug dealers
2. Stealing cars, things from the houses, purses
How can a student becomes serious if there no tests and evaluations?
How you will behave your child if you do not ground him for bad things he did?
Should there be punishment for crimes Miss Mimi or no?
Have a look at the below link
What in the world are you talking about Straight Arrow? What Guardians?
And Saudi Arabia and Iran both carry out those punishments and crimes till happen, so no, capital punishment doesn't decrease crime.
Demanding spouses, poor level of tolerance/understanding and highly stressful lifestyle......
social and domestic voilence tend to increase.
General attitude of people either to live or leave.
Domestic abuse and domestic violence happens because of the absence of the Guardians.
I have a question supose there is a thief and was caught and one of his hand was cut, and during the prescution it was allowed for other people to see this punishment, do you think that the people who watched will think to steal?
If a prostitute was caught and the punishment for her was death and during the prescution it was allowed for some women to see the way of punishment, do you think that the those women who watched will think be prostitute like her?
Domestic violence happens everywhere. Sadly it's something that runs in families: Children witness their mothers/fathers being abused and become abusers themselves. ONLY when it becomes reported can it be flushed out of the family, and even then it requires counseling and support.
Straight Arrow, abusers often don't seem like abusers at first. It might be years into the marriage before someone first starts becoming abusive with their spouse. but it's usually a downward spiral from the first incident. Sadly, a few years in, many men/women, regardless of the culture, feel they are trapped in the marriage, by children, financially or because of the social stigmas surrounding divorce, or from fear of further abuse (death threats, etc).
Domestic violence doesn't have a religion, a gender, a race, a culture or a creed, it belongs to everyone, everywhere.
I suppose it is called evolution. It starts with small things and then goes on to bigger and greater things. First it was abusing, beating, harassing, etc the maids and other workers and now its beating up the wives and so on. This things should have been stopped a long while ago before they came to this level
Straight Arrow, I don't think it is something new. The approval of the girl is mandatory for the parents to go ahead with the 'Nikah' but it is not happening in many cases. Most of the girls either keep quite because they are afraid or the silence is considered as agreement.
How many of you guys know that the woman in Islam has the right to accept or refuse the guy who wants to marry here?
For those who are interested here are some links:
Islam way sisters:
From the telegraph UK:
Me, too, Brit. I am guessing that with the coercive labor laws here that workplace violence is grossly under-reported in comparison to violence in the home.
Highlighting this issue helps a lot. I too believe that women are now a lot braver and willing to come forward to report such incidents. they are also not willing to succumb to abuse.
What i found intersting was that there are also physical assaults at the workplace ..
I shudder to think how many incidences go unreported in the industrial area. camps.
And that's what I fear as well...all those unreported cases that are still occurring even as we post here..
If Only U PUt A BAN On Flipino Female Workers Every thing becomes Normal.... Bcoz I Dont Mean To Say That the Filipinos are Bad But the Atmosphere Here In work places or outdoors isnt just suitable for filipinas
I'm sure the incidences are real. But more are being reported. I'm sure there's plenty more we don't know about.
I believe that more and more women are having the courage today to come forth and report abuses, which is very good news indeed. However I hope, given the scary stats, that the perpetrators are also dealt with harshly and given maximum penalties, to ensure the rates don't keep increasing.
Why are both you so sure its only reporting rather than real incidences?
I would agree that it's "reported-domestic violence."
I wouldn't be surprised if domestic violence is actually on the decline, however, because of poor reporting of it in the past, for the next while it will always appear to be on the rise.
it should "reported-domestic voilence" is on rise
Looks like more being reported.
Thanks, Mods.