cost of delivery at private hospitals?

I'm trying to find out what normal birth procedures cost at Al Ahli, Doha Clinic and Al Emadi? We are not covered by insurance so will have to fork out the money ourselves..and I want my husband there with me so it has to be a private hospital...can anyone tell us how much we should expect to pay for a normal/standard delivery at these 3 hospitals? Thank you!!!!
If you consider Hamad Hospital, all free only to pay nominal cost less then 1000QAR for room.
minimum cost 10K (Normal), 15K(Caesar)
For the the three hospitals: Make your budget as 10k minimum.
not sure about Doha or AlEmadi, but i'v heard AlAlhli cost around 15k for normal delivery.
better callup all the hospitals & workout the rates yourself!
hi as per info i got from other friends Al Ahli hospital charges will cost like 10k - 15k