Child delivery

Hello everyone,
my wife is about 23 weeks pregnant and she will be here by sometime middle of April this year.We have some concerns on her delivery which is expected by late june.
Can anybody share their experiences about child delivery here in Doha, and can anybody recommend about hospital or clinic.
This is our second baby by the way.
we would appreciate any informations.
I hve put an appointment with Dr.Rizvi at Al Ahli/...!!
But i hvf 2 wait until February..!! Can anybody tell is there any way to get a quick appointment with Dr. Rizvi since i want to consult her quickly ..???
This thread is two years old. Dr. Rizvi now only sees high risks cases. Try the German doctor. He's good too. Or Dr. Sanya at Al Emadi.
Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
tried to make an appointment with this Dr Ruzvi but dear me, if you are a 1st time patient you are not supposed to see her! Policy they say! After reviewing all the good comments on her, the system blocks me! Any other recommendation.
Missing Dr Amal Badi...she's moved to Dubai!
not in womens hospital, maybe in alahli or doha clinic hospital.
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Thank you all for your comments. I was about to post asking the same question. My husband left to Qatar a few weeks ago and I will be finishing up this semester at school and following him there.. By then I'll be 33 weeks pregnant and so there isn't much of an option if i wanted to return here for the delivery.
But i have a question-- there is no way that hospitals who normally have the dad-out policy to accomodate?
I can understand if they don't want him during the actual delivery stage, but can he just be with me up until that point??
Thank you!
your comment about womwn's hospital is indeed very interesting; good food for thought! I'm surprised that your informants are all nurses, this obviously has a major impact on the perceived quality of care available at a large hospital as WH. There are very fine surgeons at WH and the complications which reaches the public are rare and exagerated.
whats important is the wellbeing of the mother and child. if that means she needs to stay in her homecountry around people she is comfortable with and is used to...then be it. its just a few months of will get over it quickly.
i had my delivery here in doha bcos this is where i am comfortable than in india where my mother stays currently. i did it without help here bcos my mom couldnt come down here on time.
its no use if your wife is here and she starts fretting about this becasue this is going to be new to her.moreover..since you are from canada and i think thats where she would opt for delivery....the means are more advanced in your country with respect to everything.doesnt mean it lacks in quality over here......but you have more options back home like water birth....pain relief and stuff like that.such options are a little limited here...probably available in the private hospital but i am not sure something as famous as water birth techniques is available here.
so keep the mother,baby and their stress n comfort level in mind and take the decision.
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we are still finalizing, but it looks were calling off delivery here in qatar. atleast we still have an options because they are still in our home country. Maybe it would be more safer to have doctor with known good track records, same with hospital facility, staff, stats and everything.I believe the risk factor would always be around but it can be minimize at a certain level.
anyway, the negative of it would be --- it would take more months that were far from each other, but it would be bearable, thinking that we opted for a lower risk.
Their family visa can still be reapply for processing.
thanks everyone, were so happy to have all these inputs.
more power to QL
i had another baby more than a year back in hamad and that was alhamdullilah gr8 too.
if comparing doha clinic to alahli....i would suggest you go to alahli.
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i dont think dr.zeenat would send anyone away from al ahli due to any complications...she is the pro and was the pillar in hamad as she would know what she is doing.
the delivery in hamad is a ritual.......for some it doesnt i couldnt care any less if i had my hubby or music or anyother stuff that i would have opted while painless.but for some it does all depends upon you wife....and i too was a wreck when i was trying to find out about hospitals....but my own gyn braved me to go only to hamad for it...bcos it was still the best 4 years back.currently there are many to cater to the same needs.
many opt for hamad is because its only 100 qrs per day for the bed and everything else is free incl vacination.
but if your costs i said......go for the best doctor even if it means more money.
but just remember...positive mind is whats really important......if you are stressed then everything can feel really lousy and everythng will feel as if its going wrong.
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All Private Clinics are good....
They have to have the best docs if they have to survive.
And they generally do have the best docs.
If you have the money go for them....especially the ones who would not send you to Hamad in case of Child-birth related emergencies.
Hamad is very good unless it is for the "OPERATION THEATER" any operation.Child-Delivery can also be included in it as it is an delicate thing.
The nurses there are good and knowledgable. The facilities are excellent. But there are many influential surgeons who have got in without very little practical experience.
Because of a lot of patients you do get the feeling that you are just a number.
There is no way you can have the choice of your doctor unless you have a lot of influence.
SO in effect Pre & Post Delivery care would be quite comfortable and good, but I wish there was a choice for the in between part - "the Delivery".
And she was lovely. Very kind person and was with me through out the whole delivery.
I was one of the first to have a baby (my third) at this hospital, so everything was very new and not too busy at all.
It cost me 5000 riyals for natural delivery, 2 nights accommodation and epidural was included regardless if you had it or not.
All in all it was a very positive experience. But I was also very fortunate to have a European midwife (Meta) who was on work experience training there ... she was a godsend and made my experience such a positive one.
My husband could be with me throughout, he also cut the umbilical cord. I had my own music and birth plan .. as I said, don't have any real negatives.
However, when I found out I was pregnant with my 4th I went there to see Dr Meha (my baby is now 1 year old) and it was so busy. I waited such a long, long time. And I just felt that the place had changed .. became a bit more money hungry. I could give more detail, but this is not really the place.
Due to complications I ended up going to Hamad. I do not rate the delivery ward there very highly. Luckily it was my 4th child ... husband can be no where near you. The midwives deliver .. unless there is problems. No warm fuzzies here at all. Very clinical .. felt like I was just a number. I could go on and on .. but you get the drift.
The after care at Hamad was brilliant. We booked a private room at a cost of 800 riyals a day. FANTASTIC room. Partner could stay in with you, no problems at all. Nurses were lovely, especially the Filipino's. I got support with breastfeeding and they were so happy I was doing this.
I really really did not like the delivery part (labour ward), but like I said, it was my fourth .. would HATE that to have been my first ever experience.
At the end of the day I have a lovely, healthy baby girl. My complications were an issue so I ended up being in the right place for this. Specialists are always at hand.
Personally, if it was me .. I would try and have the baby in your own home country and get all your birth certificate, passports and paperwork sorted. Make sure you have a blood group certificate for you baby too as you will need this for the residency permits. They don't issue them automatically.
Happy to answer any more questions. Hope I have helped :-)
Kindest regards
thanks for your kindness!!!! we really appreciate your help!!!!
i am so greatful to all of you who have shared all this info's.
we'll try to check out Al Ahli and Dr. Rizvi and check some other options.
just got an info from a friend that DOHA Clinic go about 8000-10,000 for CSection. Can anybody share more about their experiences with DOHA Clinic,
Jaelee, maybe you could share more particulars details such as you OB then.
Thank you all, we really appreciate your help.
Well, I would suggest talking to Dr.Rizvi about having some of the lab works to be done outside the hospital,coz some patients do.Hamad's charges are really very minimal but you have to wait for a long time for you to be able to be seen for about 5-10 mins.I have accompanied my mother's friend there and she was really bleeding and getting very pale,but the staff couldn't do anything about it coz they only have 1 doctor at that time,and poor them coz the irate patients are turning on them to lash their furies on.But one couldn't blame them for Hamad is really handling soooooo many patients and they're doing their best to cope.
Take care of yourself and your wife and try not to agitate her too much,it wont be good for both the baby and her.
Keep a positive attitude towards the whole thing....
coolasice..........somethings are very simple.
if something has to go goes wrong.
it can happen anywhere. so just pray to be in the care of someone really good and if money is not the issue go for the best becasue the mother and baby deserve the best.
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drive safe because someone is waiting for you at home
My wife always get nervous when we talk abt the hospitals here...she'z been talking lately to a lot of her friends who have delivered here in Doha but have different thoughts and feelings abt Hamad.
I actually enquired with Dr.Rizvi y'day mentioning that i have heard of cases where emergency cases are rushed to Hamad if Al Ahli cant handle them. She replied in the negative mentioning that it used to happen b4 and now Al Ahli is fully equipped to handle any emergency pregnancy issues... it's really hard to decide when u have some friends saying they have had a good experience with Hamad and some having horrible experiences...but i am not seeing any negative experiences from people who have gone to Al Ahli except for the cost part...guess i'll have to wait n decide....
Dont we have any docs on this forum who could probably reveal their part of the story.....
well what do i say?
people have had lovely and bad experiences at hamad....but hamad caters to whole load of people who just cant shell out the kind of money al ahli charges.most just love to say the bad.i cant think above 6500qrs....and thats the state with most people here.phew.shelling out for appointments is still cool...can think of 200 anytime.
so if you have that kind of money.....then i too would say go to a private hospital where your own doctor is supervising or conduting the delivery.
my main complaint in hamad was that i could not have my doctor doing the delivery although i was very lucky to have her by chance and not by choice.having my hubby with me was my least bit of concern since i didnt want anyone with me.
so look at these options and decide.
level of care
hubby in delivery room
own doctor doing the delivery.
i would like to let you know that womens hospital has evening clinics too where you get to see the consultant for 100qrs every apointment and all lab works are free.ultrasound is charged at 50 or 100...i have paid 50 for it.
but for delivery you gotto go to the emergency centre of womens hospital...where in my opinion they do take good care of you...but some have had bad experiences.then its the duty doctors or sometimes specialists who carry out the delivery if not the their trained nurses....
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drive safe because someone is waiting for you at home
If there are private clinics even existing in a country where Public Health care is free it speaks volume about the quality of Service of the Public Health Care.
Hamad has all the some of the best facilities in the world (if you & ur wife have a health card then its free). But ....But... But...SERIOUSLY the arab Doctors are really bad surgeons ...Trust me ...I have heard 1st hand from the Nurses who have seen them performing operations the wrong way and screwing up the patients life.
Read above the response of Listen she is spot on.
Similar cases happen day after day in Hamad.
If you dont believe me talk to some of the nurses from there.
As for the private clinics here they are good but they charge heavily....very heavily .....and if she has a complication they will send her to Hamad where she wouldnt want to go in the first place.
So I would suggest to ask your wife to wait for the child birth in your home country & then after solving the passport issue of the new child bringing it here.
I had delivered in Hamad in 2006 and unfortunately I had a very bad experience. I ended up in Al-Ahli hospital for a D&C because doctors at Hamad forgot to remove a huge placental tissue.
I dont recommend Hamad at all and since that incident I have been going to Al-Ahli for checkups .
Al Ahli - Yes, it's not cheap there at all. But your wife will have a bed for sure and everyone will speak good english if that is a concern for you. Office visits are QR 200 every time. Labs and Ultrasounds are more and the price varies. Delivery costs (as of Sept) are:
Normal Delivery - normal baby care + 2 days in hospital =
Double Room - QR 6500
Single Room - QR 7300
Royal Room - QR 10,500 :)
C-Section - normal baby care + 4 days in hospital =
Double Room - QR 12,000
Single Room - QR 13,600
Newborn vaccines are QR50 and Hearing Test is QR300.
The whole thing cost us about $5000 US when it was all done. We just saved and saved for 9 months so we could pay for it all. We even got triple Q-miles when we put the whole thing on our credit card and that made my husband happy. :)
I had checked out the prices at Ahli just y'day...
A normal Delivery with a Double room is QAR 6500 but a C Sec is around QAR 12500 with a Double room.
i am absolutely confused as my wife is in her 6th month and we are not too sure where to go after hearing loads of stories about Hamad Hospital...
We are asked to do 3 simple tests by Dr.Rizvi and we were charged QAR 676..phew that was indeed scary...but if u want the best this is how much u need to pay....
Any comments are truly appreciated...Thanks
Al Ahli highly recommendable - no comparison with the unhappy and unfriendly treatment you will receive in Hamad Hospital.
Emergency facilities do have improved in Al Ahli over the last couple of months. we had our first baby there in January, very happy with service and doctors.
Cost aprox QR 18.000 for a week in hospital, cesearian delivery and 2 days ICU. So yes, it makes sense only if your insurance will cover all or good parts of it.
just out of curiosity.....what were the hospital charges for having the delivery done at Al-Ahli. i have heard it isnt without a medical insurance its not easy to go there.
but i would just like to know what the total fees turned out to be.....just in case.........i wish to have another delivery in future insha'allah. its always a plus to have your own doctor supervise or conduct the delivery.
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drive safe because someone is waiting for you at home
I've heard that Al Ahli is the only hospital that allows the father to be present at the birth. If you're from Europe, this may be an important consideration.
Nothing against Hamad because the doctors there are very qualified but your wife is going to feel much more comfortable at Al Ahli. Dr. Rizvi used to run the show over at Hamad Labor and Delivery and she and her staff are very good. Most expat women are opting for Al Ahli. They are having an open house on March 24. Even if your wife isn't here yet, you could go and see the place and meet the doctors. Definitely tell your wife to check out on the Qatar chat board for loads of info on Al Ahli. See the following article for more about the new OB/GYN dept. and the open house. If your wife would like to email me with any questions, let me know and I'll post my email. I had my #2 at Al Ahli in September. Best wishes.
i agree with tomici......had two babies masha'allah at hamad.
hamad womens hospital is very good and they are working towards improvement everyday.
its true...that any complication that arises in a private hospital will end up being referred in the womens hospital.
also the private hospitals are very expensive for child unless you are paid for by health insurance or company handles such costs for you......think about it.
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drive safe because someone is waiting for you at home
I would recommend Hamad hospital. Very good service and just in case of any serious emergency while delivering in another "fancy" private hospital, you will still end up in Hamad.
Take care
For your information there is another good website dedicated to expat women living here in the Middle East. There is a Qatar section and it has covered child birth and hospitals extensively.
Have a look at expatwoman dot com
Good Luck. I have given birth twice here .. first time in a private hospital (Doha Clinic) and secondly at the government hospital Hamad.
I would personally elect to go private.
Good Luck
Hi coldred!! I would recommend Al Ahli Hospital's Dr.Rizvi.
She's pretty great with the patients and has lots of dedication to her craft.
Al Ahli is located in Bin Omran District.If you'll go there,you might as well find a good Pediatrician in their roster.Look for their consultant,unfortunately,I forgot the name odf the best one there.Dont worry I'll try to find her name as soon as I could and tell you about it here.
Take care!!