Child custody laws for expats in Qatar

Hi all -
A friend of mine is having difficulties with her husband and asked me to post a message on her behalf to preserve her privacy.
In the event of a divorce or separation, do you know what the law is regarding child custody? Would she have to go by the rules of Qatar or of her home country? She has heard that the children automatically go to the man here in Qatar. Also, is there anything that her husband can do to stop her from leaving the country with her children since she is under his sponsorship?
Thanks advance for your help, and feel free to contact me via PM if you prefer. She would also like a referral for a family law attorney if possible.
Expat Sueño
oh - and she is a Westerner, for what it's worth.
Thanks, everyone. You all provided some excellent advice :) Her husband is a Westerner, for what it's worth. I'll pass her the link to this thread so she can keep an eye on it.
The GCC laws state that she can only have custody over the kids till the age of 11 IF and ONLY IF she stays to live with them in Qatar (since thats where the fatehr works) but she cant have custody over the kids if she wants to leave the country unless the father approves, if she wants to leave, she can do so at anytime, but not with the kids.
I don't think that the law applies here if you were married abroad.As far as I know,you will have to go by the country that you were married in.Is he from here?If so,then he gets to keep the sons when they get to a certain age.She may keep the children with her till they are about 10, I think. I may be wrong.I wish her all the best and hope things work out.
It does make a difference if her husband is muslim as well and he tries to block her thru the courts here (and not in her favour)
Does she have the childrens' and her own passports?
Signature line > "You can't fix stupid"
Not sure if it makes a difference., but is her husband a westerner too?