Anybody who can tell me their experience of taking care of a child in Qatar with Asthma?

I would just like to know what it would be like if ever I get to bring my family here in Qatar.
My concern is that my child has Allergic Rhinitis or asthma and with this condition I somehow think that this is not a good place for my child to live in because of the weather, dust etc.
But still I would very much like to know if anyone had experienced it because I really wish I could have my family here with me in Qatar.
anyway i myself have no idea to whom i am answering - i like to share some of my views -since i myself in doha for 14yrs - i am born with asthama - may be its transfered from my mom or dad both they were having asthama - after i settled my carrier in doha - i never had - before while i was in my country where i live in a coastal area in cochin - india - i really was in deep trouble - any how that was past - for sure after i shifted and started my carrier in doha - i am doin fine - previously i was using ventolin inhaler for a long time almost 10 to 13 yrs - for sure different people have differnt kinds of allergys some with particular smell of chemicals - some with dust - some time you are sad you or you are more happy you get this - and most of the time you get asthama attack on night times - never take a full stomach dinner at night - this is very important - never use comforters with fur - ur place where u sleep should be very clean - coffee is very bad - if u get ur child an allergic test - u get a right picture - what all things u have to avoid -
riaz bava majid
[email protected]
My son has always had horrible allergies and one cold after another, which always resulted in sinus/ear infections that simply would not go away without antibiotics.
We've been in Doha for eight months and he has scarcely been sick at all - it's amazing.
I've heard that allergies (and asthma) either clear up quite a bit or they get worse.
Good luck!
My son has infantile asthma and he is four years old .. he had two attacks and was taken care at al sadd emergency centre.
Things which we take care are
1. No carpets (either use linoleums or tiled flooring).
keep ur home dust free, vaccum ur sofas once a week atleast.
2. Dont take ur child out on a dusty day.(WE cant keep them tied at home always but can avoid any travel on windy days).
3. always carry ventolin inhaler along with you.
4. During the weather transition stage of weather like from summer to winter or winter to summer .. extra precaution should be taken and should consult the doctor, we r asked to give singular 4mg sachets daily night for a period of three months during these transition. Singular is a anti allergic and anti asthmatic drug.
month of September and month of April we gotta take taht extra care.
5.As a controller we r giving flixotide inhaler daily night one puff.
6. Dont ever neglect common cold which continues for a longer duration than a week. We have faced the diff of that turning out into pnuemonia . Ask for a throat swab before giving antibiotics cos our child was tried with three differnt kinds of antibiotic week after week and finally got him admitted when the severity increased.
Well if u take necessary precautions i dont think there is any hassle in bringing ur kid.
my son has asthma, i bring him here when he is 8 months old.after we go out i've noticed that he always have colds and cough.its better not to go out and stay at home.always have a clean home.but if you really want to be your child its better to bring with him medicines.anyway,pediatrician here is ok.
Sorry to hear of your child's conditon, I don't have experience of an asthmatic child here but do have a child with other types of allergies.
Your child's reaction to the extreme heat and dust that prevails in this region would much depend on the type of allergen that triggers his/her asthma or allergic rhinitis. For example dust mites are triggers and they exist here in far greater numbers becasue of the environment than cooler countries.
Generaly humidity and dust are known to set off these conditons. You should take medical advice for your child best interests before bringing him/her here.
If you decide to come here with your child you may also want to ensure that any medication your child needs on a regular basis is avaliable in Qatar.