Another reason ensure children use car seats

we talk about this on an almost daily basis (or so it seems) but another reason has cropped up as to why children should be properly restrained in cars.
A good friend was in traffic on a major road here, near C ring and watched as suddenly, whilst in slow moving traffic, a rear door car opened and a young child tumbled out. The father quickly noticed and stopped the car and scooped the child up and back into the car. Thank god no harm done.
However, what if ths car had been going at speed or the car behind hit that child, unwittingly because it did not have a chance to stop, who would be to blame? I bet that driver would blame everyone but himself.
Daily we see children bouncing around the inside of cars, clearly not properly restrained. This is another reason to do so.
Jjj75, that's one way of looking at it. But I don't think we would b able to convince people using that line of reasoning.
Miss mimi, I am more easterner than westerner myself. I have to admit, had I not lived in the west as long as I have, I am not sure i would have had a pro child seat stance.
Jjj75, that's one way of looking at it. But I don't think we would b able to convince people using that line of reasoning.
Miss mimi, I am more easterner than westerner myself. I have to admit, had I not lived in the west as long as I have, I am not sure i would have had a pro child seat stance.
Like I said, it's a cultural thing. It will take a bit of effort to get past it.
One way some people look at it is - we never had car seats as a kid and I turned out just fine. That's why I said the govt needs to start an education campaign.
As part of my induction, my company ran a defensive driving course. It was brilliant. It showed test videos of what happens if you have a crash at different speeds with kids in the back and front seats. It clearly showed what difference having the child in a car seat made. They should make the course mandatory to get a license here and probably also insist that people retake the course as part of their annual isthimara renewals.
was this letter to the editor from UAE
Ah jeez jjj75, that reminds me of a letter to the editor that was in 7 days a few months back. I'm looking for it online but can't seem to find it.
Basically the woman said that it's unfair to enforce car seat laws on Easterners (she used these words) because, unlike Westerners who only have 2 kids and a dog, they have 5 and 6 children and there aren't enough seats to buckle all the kids in. And what does she expect them to do? Buy bigger cars or have less kids?
If he can afford a car, he can afford child seats.
its a cultural thing. Its not easy to overcome - not impossible either. The govt. simply needs to make it a priority (the ads about using a mobile while driving are good - not sure how effective they are but it shows the govt cares).
Having just arrived in Doha, I am appalled at the way people drive here. Its like driving in India, only at about 5 times the speed.
Child restraints are incredibly important in a car and so are child locks. I have had several occasions when my 2 year old daughter has attempted to open the door while the vehicle was in motion. Fortunately, the child locks are always engaged. My heart still skips a beat everytime I hear that click from the back seat.
In fact, just yesterday, I went to mothercare and bought a new car seat for my daughter who is arriving in Qatar today. I wasn't willing to take the risk of waiting a few weeks for our stuff to arrive from the U.K.
A childhood friend of mine who has been in Qatar for a few years now has two beautiful daughters. He doesn't use car seats/restraints for either of them. I did bring it up with him but he mentioned something about costs. I let it go then, but I think I'm gonna have a heart to heart with the guy and hope that he doesn't get too offended.
and obeying road rules. All you need to do to ensure your precious offspring remains as safe as you can when you hit the roads.
And trust in Allah but tie your camels is one of my all time fave phrases too. Parents need to realize that God didn't give us children to honor us but as a trial upon us. If we do not give them the love and protection they need, and some tragedy is to befall them as a result,then we may very well be answerable to God.
Personally, I will NEVER get used to the sight of unrestrained children in cars. Always drives me crazy!
not just mams, papas do it too.
What do you mean "they dont like""? If mama said sit in the seat - this is it! Mama said put the belt - this is it,you put! Sure, all parents are different, and some give to little kids too many options to choses from. For me - when it comes to safety - my word is the law. No dabates. Dont like the seat - stay home.
yes, I would say leave religion out of it, it bears no relation to not properly securing your child's safety in your vehicle
This is quite a valid topic which all parents must try to adhere to...Safty should always come first...but wat i hate about such forums are some people are too narrow minded to bring about sub topics such as religion through sarcastic comments which is really not the order of the day...for example whats inshallah got to do with this topic...people say inshallah for everything..its almost an automatic reply which as mentioned is god willing...y bring that up and cook up a sub topic...
Fee Nari Jahannam
"trust in Allah, but also tie up your camel".
LOL! Love it!
I agree with Mimi. Religion has nothing to do with it. My Muslims friends tell me to "trust in Allah, but also tie up your camel".
The real reason people don't put seatbelts on themselves and their kids is because they are morons.
Yes guilt. Inshallah is VERY mis-used in this part of the world. It's used as an excuse when people are too lazy to do something, rather than its actual meaning.
Yup, biggest get out clause going
I am in a real mood to rant. Insha Allah is misinterpreted in this part of the world?
Islam has nothing to do with it. It's lack of education and enforcement that create the "Inshallah" attitude towards safety that persists here. Not religion.
You are draging Islam in this subject also.
You are an interesting CLOWN dear..
Also, an unrestrained older child has the potential of injuring or killing the person in front as the force of being flung forward against the front seat can break their neck or cause serious internal injuries as they hit the dashboard or windscreen.
makes you think!
If a doctor told a parent to give their child medicine or the child would probably die, the parent would give the child the medicine.
Why is it any different with seatbelts?
Who are these parents who think that seatbelts are a fashion accessory - shiny black straps designed to make the beige interior really *pop*?
If car seats for babies is not a law they should make it and give tickets like they do when we don't wear our seat belts...
Moza... what will happen will happen but God also gave us a brain to use and prevent tragedies from happening, if people love their children enough they would see that using a car seat can save lives... and maybe This post will save one child if people would just realize how important it is to use car seats for children...
If the child gets knocked around easily could get killed. Its no JOKE... we can prevent this from happening.... "Drive Safe" "Protect our innocent Angels"
Chota, I agree with you but whereas something like that in US is so uncommon as to get onto front page news, children not restrained properly in cars is an everyday happening. If I am out in my car for just 30 minutes almost every other car I see which has children in are not in their proper restraints.
I only ever saw a child not restrained properly in a car once in the UK and then the police were all over them like a rash.
Wish the police would pull over all these irresponsible parents here but then they would need to triple the size of the police force due to the magnitude of the problem!
Do you have something against the Muslims? Many of your post , sorry most of your posts seems to suggest so. What do you mean by " as they believe" . Dont you believe in God? Yes life and death are in the hands of God, but that doesnot mean you will go and stand in the middle of the road and not expect to be hit by a car and die. God has given us a brain to make to make choices. Dont blame God if you make a bad choice.
Apology accepted. :)
I'm with you on your sentiments. :)
its not hard to discipline kids in the first place.. just tell them to sit properly with their seatbelts on..
Sorry bubblymom, I did miss the last part of your post! My bad and I apologize. I just get sooooo upset when I hear people don't buckle their kids in because they "don't like it" I just read that and responded. I agree with you on the child safety locks. Every car has them and they are easy to use! Especially when your children are old enough to unbuckle their own safety belts without your knowledge!
I think you missed the last part of my post. "We put on their seat belts." They're a little bigger now that they can fit in the adult seat belt at the back seat area. :)
I don't take chances in the safety of my kids. I love them dearly. :)
weird parents r everywhere qatar , uae
A Phoenix, Ariz., woman put her 5-week-old baby on top of her car in his car seat and drove away, apparently forgetting he was there, not even noticing when the seat fell off the car and landed in an intersection, police said.
Read more:
And when you slam on the brakes and they go flying through the front windscreen bubblymom? Or break there necks when they hit the car seat in front of them? (can't believe you call yourself a mom when you can't even buckle your kids in!)
a child lock may also be useful. Our kids doesn't like it on the car seats, so we child lock the doors so they won't be able to open from the inside. inside the car, we put on their seat belts.
Chota, do you think these things don't happen or that all children are properly restrained in cars in Doha. If so, you must be driving round blind???
i knew it for sure same story wld happen in UAE
A friend of mine saw the same thing happen here in the UAE. A two year old girl fell out of the back seat while they were going around a round about. She had to slam on the brakes and swerve to avoid running her over (luckily it wasn't a busy roundabout).
Recent stats here said that 2 out of 3 child deaths in the UAE are the result of car accidents.
ok :/
fine chota, start another forum topic, this is not related to children and car seats
right now i am concerned abt osama's drowning than the dressed immodesty and qtel not working can u help ?
Chota, you need a source if you are potentially slandering someone. I named no names and I did not even specify the location, although I can if you want. I am highlighting the dangers of not properly restraining children in cars.
Do you ask for the source from the person who compalains about seeing someone dressed immodestly in the malls, or the one who says his Qtel is not working very well.
Why pick on this, when all i am trying to do his highlight potentially dangerous situations on doha roads?
Thanks Prism - another one who does not believe anything bad happens here.
Ok, how about this, say my friend had not witnessed this. I could have simply said that a likely consequence of not putting your children in proper car seats or making them use their seat belts is that they can open the car doors and fall out, to be honest, I am surprised this has not been reported on here before.
sumtimes proof is needed on "hearing" stories isn't it , now i just cant act dumb n believe osama was thrown in the river
Sorry, but they will learn it the hard way, right ?
Source? Really you need a source? Think u would even ask for a source when I say I just had my food.
Chota, when you relay a personal story, how can you have a source?
source ?
I hope atleast the thought of such thing happening to their child can bring some sense to such careless people.
They don't care, and they always can make new ones!