Advertising in Gulf Times for a maid/nanny
We are looking to hire a full-time, live-in maid/nanny and will likely do what I would never, ever do in the U.S.. . .put an ad in the paper. Has anyone ever done this? Any tips - including "don't do it"? Any specific verbiage that you recommend including (or not) in the ad?
In the off-chance that you are leaving and would like to place your live-in help, please let me know. . .would much, much rather have a "known" person if at all possible.
Also, I'm assuming that I must sponsor her if she's full-time/live-in. . .is that correct? Are there any advantages or disadvantages to sponsoring (or not)?
Expat Sueño
P.S. Where do I go to place an ad in the Gulf Times?
Can't comment much as I don't have a live-in, but friends do, and no, you don't have to sponsor her but you will be paying more that way. Have heard discussions pros and cons for sponsoring, ie you are held responsible if your sponsored maid does something illegal and if you do sponsor you hold their passport and can be seen as an employer of authority higher than that of someone who doesn't.