Adoption in Qatar
I was wondering if anyone knows what the child adoption laws in Qatar are...
Apparently, as of April 2008, there are NEW international laws (applicable to most, but not all international adoptions) that state that one must follow the laws in one's country of residence AND passport country. It is illegal for foreigners to adopt Qatari children, I know, that's not what I am talking about. But with the new laws, a foreigner wanting to adopt while living in Qatar must make sure they are following local law IN ADDITION TO the laws of their own country and the laws of the child's country.
Does Qatar have any adoption laws and or regulations??? Has anyone here started the process of adoption since April 2008 while living in Qatar??
Yes the adoption actually happens in the child's country, but new laws require the laws of the residence country of the parents (i.e. Qatar) to be considered as well. I guess to protect the kids they want to make sure the country where the parents actually live think the adoption is ok...
Jasmine, thanks for the tip. But our sponsor probably doesn't care what size our family is- they don't cover school, extra plane tickets, etc... I'll check though...
I have a friend who adopted 2 girls from China while residing here, but the adoption happened in China and she brought them back here.
Non-Qataris cannot adopt any children from orphanages here in Qatar. I am not sure how the legal aspect of this will go, does it state that there is preference over the residince country or the passport country? It is confusing as some of the adoption laws will conflict, who has priority?
Not sure about the laws, sorry. I do know that most companies write into your contract that you are not allowed to adopt at all while under their sponsorship. Check carefully. Good luck, JJ