Traffic Violation

By motunfolahan •
Can anyone clarify the traffic violations and point deduction structure for me. I drove my friends car and i was charged 300 riyals for wrong parking around Softel{though I never thought I parked wrongly}.
Anyways, I'm bother not because of the monetary fine but I was as well charged 3 points.
My question are:
1) Do they usually charge point for parking
2) On whose license will the point be charged mine or my friends?
3) The case is my friend doesn't have a license yet, please what will happen regarding the points.
I parked my car on 01st Aug 2014 in the side road of Lulu Mall, kharaffa where on the road it is marked as parking. So many other cars also were parked there, after I coming from Lulu, I saw a traffic violation sticker on the window. I did not do any fault but is clearly a parking, Can anyone advise me how can cancel this fine, since I have not violated any traffic rules
@raja: go n check with traffic department... if you don't know about this don't post wrong information...
you can check on QL Also
Parking fine is only 300 QR. Those 3 points will be added again after an year..
no after one year it will be clear...
Try not to reach 14 black points in a year..
Suddenly I got fine for parking - Fine is 500 QAR and 3 black points
How to get rid off these 3 black points.
If I dont have any violation within 1 year from the date of my violation. these 3 point will be deleted. Is this a true statement ? or will these 3 points stay forever ?
Please let me know--i am new to QATAR..please help me brothers
Anyone can drive any car. The fine will be charged automatically to the car number plate. When the person go to pay the fine, they will ask that who was the driver and they will ask driving license. The black point will be credited to the driver who gives the driving license.
So, your friend will call you to credit blank points on your driving license if you parked wrongly.
It is not a problem. But, the person who did the mistake should agree, otherwise, the black point will go to the car owner
Go to Any Traffic department where you will renew your licence or estimara...give them your ID card pay 100 Riyal for replacement of ESTIMARA..JOB 10 minute if no one is waiting before you....
Daniel999 is happens to me
i lost my istimara, could you help me for that?
yes wrong parking is has 3 points more than speeding which has no black points. simple mistake but expensive consequences.
you can pay the violation in murror, present the istemara and your license and the black points will be recorded in your license. if you dont have any violation with in 1 year from the date of your violation it will be deleted. dont worry you still have 11 more black points allowance before you will receive 3 months suspension driving.
enjoy driving but be responsible, police are very strict near souqs and public areas with regards to parking.
There is no rule, regulation, or law that specifically requires an individual to possess a drivers license in order to purchase a vehicle.Anyone with the right amount of money, or credit, can buy a car.
But you should have valid R.P.You can buy and register in your name but you can not drive.
The one who pays the fine will be credited with the points in his/her driver's license.
The one who pays the fine will be credited with the points in his/her driver's license.
the black pts will be charge to the car plate number. And it means the car owner will be responsible. How your friend got a car without a license?!