By ma_e_4short •
How safe is Qatar against stealing? Can I just walk around anywhere without the fear that someone might steal something from my bag? Can I just leave my things unattended and still have the sense of security that they will be untouched?
I depends on your social status, nationality, and where you are in Qatar. Generally property is safer than in most countries, but petty theft is still common.
There's a snake in every forest as the saying goes...and even in the desert also.
well buddy for every bad experience, there's a good one to relate my friend who lost his wallet with about 15 grand and all his other stuff in a beach (i agree he was pretty silly to take 15k to the beach lol)..but yeah, 2 days later this guy called him, returned his stuff and refused to take any reward, saying he hoped for heaven as god's yeah I guess it all depends on perspective and what colours you choose to paint your world with. I have grown up in this wonderful city and the good memories far outweigh the bad. It's not perfect I know but then where is?..I'm sure many QL users are sick of my constant defenses of Qatar but I'm afraid I just cannot sit back without at least standing up for a country which has given me so much of what I know..sorry:-)
unfortunately I lost my usb if someone find it please tell me. i don't think it would be stolen
we had kung fu fight when we met lol :P
Yeah buburao , you ont remember what happened in city , when we met?
mohdata gone r those days nowadays if any teenagers find car running they take it for a drive till petrol tank gets empty
exactly what I need to hear mohdata. Keep safe! :)
qatar is generally a very safe country..crime isn't a serious problem and the cops are mostly kept busy with the traffic..i regularly leave my car open and running and it has never backfired. Of course it pays to be careful but it also is good to know that you're safer in qatar than in the majority of countries:-)
You are just as beautiful as advertised.
Well, I am aware that no matter how safe a place is, there will always be those 'not so good people' floating around. Just want to see if I'll be reading more of good stuff than the bad.
good u realized
I think I'd just keep my things guarded. Better safe than sorry! Thanks guys!
agree with adamtaar they stole his keys
I have had bad experience with the CITY CENTER parking lot , ask baburao , he has probably experienced it
You need to try to find out , i agree with Baburao.
try once if ur things get stolen it means its unsafe