Non-Qatar thread #1
By baldrick2dogs •
Dedicated to "Painther"
Pensioner forced to paint her cottage yellow after council row
A pensioner who revamped her cottage by painting it blue has reluctantly agreed to restore it to its original shade of yellow after being successfully prosecuted by her local authority.
I prefer the yellow.
Both colors look rather vile. Perhaps she should just grow vines to cover the wall entirely? Or is that not allowed either?
PC = Powderblue Cottage :O)
what PC! Pocket Calculator?
PC gone crazy again!
not an interesting news again, witty job :(
I donno why but I find yellow kinda jaundiced or something.
As a lady of the household.. Which do you prefer ?
and its such a lovely shade of blue too..I wouldn't like a yellow house =(
Typical jobsworths. They should focus on helping the community, rather than obstructing..
My neighbour has yellow shutters on her windows. they look great :O)