Major air disaster involving QR 030 averted!

Reported by Indian Express on 10/04/2010
The alert Mumbai Air Traffic Control avoided a major air disaster over the Indian Ocean around 6 a. m. on Friday, when two aircrafts traveling on the same flight level narrowly missed a collision off the Karwar coast in Karnataka.
According to sources, over 500 passengers were traveling on board a Qatar Airways Boeing and a Condor Airlines Airbus when two aircrafts were heading towards each other at a height of 35,000 feet.
The Qatar Airways flight 030 was flying from Doha to Melbourne, while Condor Airlines flight 356 was going to Frankfurt from Singapore.
The Condor Airlines pilot noticed on his systems, another aircraft coming from the opposite direction, on the same flight level.
It was reported that the Condor flight had gone off the radar of the Mumbai ATC.
In his desperation the Condor pilot alerted another aircraft in the sky, which in turn alerted the Mumbai ATC
mmyke, You should not mind 'aircrafts'. I think you have not read enough of this guy. He is amazing. He has invented new words and phrases. For example:
'agreeded', 'sended', 'I will left'. He religiously uses 'weather' where he should use 'whether' and so on. He isn't alone. He has a brother (I suspect a troll) called xray. These two gentlemen are formidable. This guy alone is a disaster.
mmyke you are banned from posting till you get oxford degree in English,
After all we are addressing the UN here so our English must be PERFECT!!!
It's 'it's' and not 'its'. ;)
Please correct your English (capital E) too :)
Have a nice day :)
its "aircraft"....just like there is no such thing as "equipments" or "furnitures"...
man,,,correct your english!
Alert what a near miss!
....although they are kilometers apart planes traveling at same height/levels are considered very dangerous!
don't aircrafts also have on board radar rather than relying only on ground control?
Samdm80 please comment, you are pilot.
are you an English tutor?
Mumbai ATC has a problem