Hamad hospital

When you go to hamad hospital because you're sick, they tell You to go to emergency for your first visit if you have no appointment. Fine, so i went to emergency, get myself registered, went To nurse office as i was told. When i got there, she checked my Temperature and blood pressure. Then the doctor came and asked what's wrong with me.
When i told him that i have headache, cold flu sympoms and bad sore throat, he told me that this is not real emergency and told me to go to clinic without treating me. Is this common? Has anyone had experience like this?
It's such a surprise for me, i thought a good hospital is all about treating your patient with care.. So i guess im not too critical too treat, thats actually good news.. :)
They are right you should go direct to your respective health center such minor cases like this.
in this case If I feel like a normal fever or flue only, I rather stays at home take rest and drink paracetamol because going to H.Clinic will make me more tired or tendency to get sick.
qatar has an excellent network of primary health centres and your health card registers you with one of the phc. please visit your phc for general illness. hamad hospital is an excellent tertiary care centre has immense potential to deliver highly specialised medical treatments.hamad hospital should be accessed only in case of trauma, severe illness or when refered from phc.
non emergency cases should be treated either walk-in clinic or Primary health Center and not in Emergency Department.What the doctor has done is right he assessed your case and he found out it is not an emergency case. It was the mistake of that person you approach first for giving you instruction to go to ED.
your healthcard is not only for Hamad Hospital,you can use that when you go to any Primary Health Care or walk-in clinic.
exactly - flu is a virus, anti-biotics won't help. you need to take some kind of pain killer to keep the fever down and drink plenty of fluids and just wait, all you can do
Really? I guess Pharmacy is the best place to go! :)
For flu pointless visiting any doctor - nothing they can do. Surprised you even bothered to go. In UK they would turn you away as it is a virus and anything you take treats the symptoms not the cause and all you do is spread it to other people for no good purpose
Ani_chy, they were the one who told me to go to emergency since i dont have appointment or first visit.. Thats why i went to emergency dept.
Now i know it worked that way, i thought when they signed me up with health card i can use their service whenever i get sick. No matter if it's a serious condition or not. I never hope to get serious injuries or disease, but common flu, at least u'll get it once or twice a year, if only i knew they wont entertain me, i should not have gotten the health card and choose private clinic instead.
I experienced the same in Women's hospital. When you call to make an appointment they advise you either go to emergency or come and make appointment in person. After waiting two hours in emergency (due to shifting they forgot about me) they told me that it was not an emergency case and asked to come during a week day. What for they give the numbers to make application by phone? Really inconvenient.
well, if it was not an emergency, why the hell did you go there? the doctor you have visited are not allowed to prescribe any medicine, they are there to monitor ur initial body responses, temperature and BP levels.
For symptoms like headache, cough, flu etc., your better off with a primary health clinic, where you get a faster service!
I think the doctor has done what is right. If only you know the amount of people come there for treatment and even in emergency they have to wait for hours , only because non emergency cases too come there.
Hamad is a great organisation, unfortunately it cannot satisfy the entire population of Qatar due to the sheer size of it. For minor issues it is better to go to a clinic.