FULL Forms
1.) GOOGLE: globel organization of oriented
group language of earth..
2.) YAHOO: yet another hierarchical officious
3.) WINDOW: Wide interactive network develpment for office work sollution.
4.) COMPUTER: Communication oriented machine purposely utilized technical educational research a scholarly articale.
5.) VIRUS: virtually infected reputed utilized software.
6.) UMTS: universal mobile telecommunication system.
7.) AMOLED: active matrix organic emitting diode.
8.) OLED: organic lite emitting diode.
9.) IMEI: international mobile equipment identy.
10.) ESN: electronic serial number.
11.) UPS: uninterupitible power supply.
12. HDMI: high defenation multimedia interface.
13.) VPN: virchual private network.
14.)APN: access point name.
15.) SIM: subsucriber identy module.
16.) LED: lite emitting diode.
17.) DLNA: digitel line network access.
18.) RAM: random access memory.
19.) ROM: read only memory.
20.) VGA: video graphic array.
21.) QVGA: quarter video graphic array.
22.) WVGA: wide video graphic array.
23.) WXGA: wide extended graphic array.
24.)USB: universal service bus.
25.) WLAN: wireless local area network.
26.) PPI: pixel per inch.
27.) LCD: liquid crystel display.
28.) HSDPA: high speed downlink packet access.
29.) HSUPA: high speed upload packet access.
30.) HSPA: high speed packet access.
31.) GPRS: general packet radio service
32.) EDGE: enhancement datarate for globel evolution.
33.)NFC: near field communication.
34.) OTG: on-the-go
35.) S-LCD: super clear liquid display.
36.) O.S: oprating system.
37.) SNS: socail networking sites
39.) P.O.I: point of interest
40.)GPS: globel position system
41.)DVD: digitel video disc
42.)DTP: desk top publishing.
43.) DNSE: digitel natural sound engine.
44.) OVI: ohio video inrranet.
45.)CDMA: code division multiple access.
46.) WCDMA: wide-band code division multiple access.
47.)GSM: globel system for mobile communication.
48.)WI-FI: wireless fidelity
49.) DIVX: digitel internet video access.
50.) .APK: authenticated public key.
51.) J2ME: java 2 micro edition
52.) SIS: symbian installation source.
53.) DELL: digitel electronic link library.
54.)ACER: acquisition collabration experimantion reflaction.
55.)RSS: really simple syndication
56.) TFT: thin film transister
57.) AMR: adapative multi rate
58.) MPEG: moving pictures experts group
59.)IVRS: interactive voice response system.
60.) HP: hewlett-packard.
thankyou rizk :-)
GSM: global satelite messanger
Nimbu u can post as much as u can its nt the site of any of us and there is no rule which says reduce posting..
Sure i will not post for next half of the month.
wats the full form of TROLL ?
Its the power of NimbuPani(LemonWater)
Good work..Nimbupani!
OMG: Oh my God
hihi, hope u will nt get oopppssed again, 2 times in one day :)
Opening Poster !
hmmmm good.... but what if someone says "OP said blalalal....." what does OP stands for