climate deniers are freemarkets freaks
Climate sceptics more likely to be conspiracy theorists and free market Research confirms previous findings which caused fury among sceptics of human-caused climate change:
Go and hug a few trees SPLITT. Im sure it will make you feel better you nut.
Not the 1% that's for sure
When so many people from developing countries are living such a miserable life with less than 1 dollar per day income, who cares for this planet anyways?
You haven't put any argument forward yet, so I left you to it
Bye Rip, Typical BriteX . Couldnt mount a sensible argument to save themselves
Oh but you haven't . You cant even point out which stage of denial you are in.
You bring up 9/11 in you denier claims on AGw . My my.
Oh dear.
Are you the same guy who actually still believes that 9/11 was the work of terrorists acting alone?
So by your definition, you are in denial that this whole CG rubbish might just be another false flag.
So therefore I can call you a nut case, a freak, a fool, a moron, a cretin etc etc
Did you find that rock?
Google 'US false flag operations' to get a clearer picture of exactly how often we have been lied to by governments/media/banks etc.
Typical -so let's start from the top shall we?
You say " none of them"
Which indicates you do think AGW exists. Yes?
Split has been trying to push this for a while. I did point out I have read the scientific reports and asked if he did. Silence.
That really told me all I need to know, he basis what he believes on what he is told, rather than anaylsing the evidence itself.
Who was it that was labelled a nut because he said the world was round? Megellan? Columbus? Aristotle? Pythagoras?
Folk like SPLITT dont like their cozy, TV dominated lives disrupted by an alternate view.
Stages of denial of an alternate theory/view
1. Label the theory/view/person a nutcase
2. Mock and humiliate
3. Keep watching the news
4. Watch X-Factor
5. Go quiet
6. Crawl back under a rock
How did I contradict myself? Please explain so this fool can understand as you are so clearly much more qualified than myself.
You can spin it how you want mate but bottom line is....well, keep watching your favourite news channel....everything they tell you is true because the nice man/woman reading the headlines told you so.
Which doubt? Pick your stage.
So, if I have doubts about a theory or disagree with you, then I am labeled a freak ?
Fool -you just contradicted yourself .
Non of them.
I believe in science (not science funded by corrupt governments) and I believe there are a lot of people making a lot of money under the false flag of climate change.
5 stages of denial
1 problem does exist
2 deny we are through cause
2b consensus denial
3 deny its a problem
4 deny we can solve it
5 it's too late ( self fulfilling)
Best post I have seen for a while Rip.
The deniers' tactics are so similar to the creationists' when the latter are busy denying evolution, you would almost think they copied them. It's one of the few chances libertarian atheists have to get a really good bit of reality-denial going, if they're that way inclined.
You are no better than the reglious freaks that kill people in the name of their God without any evidence he actually exists.
Put up the evidence and let's review it, petty name calling is not a human civilisation I would want to save.
That is, if you're a conservative who believes the world runs best when businesses operate in a "free market" with little government interference, then the chances are you don't think human-caused climate change represents a significant risk to human civilisation
Run out convincing arguments?
Not enough evidence to back your claims?
Then resort to name calling! It's the easy one step shop. S
omeone says they don't like cars made in Thailand, then call him a racist to keep him quiet!
If your friend won't convert to Islam, call him a racist!
If you don't believe in human made climate change, call him a freemarket freak!