For a better Environment

The hobby which relishes my heart:-
It was not in the slightest of my thoughts while starting this hobby that it would develop in to this phase and I would stick on these 3 years with it considering my short living interests in hobbies. Now I have realized that anything related to conserving the environment should be a passion for my heart and I should persist on with that even though it demands time and efforts.
By the grace of Allah this Outdoor Aviary has now established that Qatar is not a dried up land for birds from different parts of the world. Down from quails and bantams to small doves and vivid varieties of finches, this aviary has 28 different species from different continents of the world. The attendance varies in the range of 150 to 200.
Most of the birds can bear a mercury raise up to 45 degrees if there is sufficient shelter to hide from sun and water source to cool up them selves when they feel exhausted. In this Aviary from May to September, they are provided with a mist fan which will serve them intermittently in 15 minutes from 8AM until 5PM. They can also splash themselves in a rockery waterfall whenever they want to do so. There are shelters and plants for them to hide out from direct sunlight. Winter in Qatar is not harsh and they don’t require any heating until the temperature goes down below 10 degrees. For juveniles and artificially hatched chicks, a heat bulb will be provided throughout the winter.
The Aviary: - It is in Tumama, the back yard of our villa we built this aviary. 2 sides are covered by the compound wall, one side by the servant quarters and the last by our bedroom wall. It is in “L” shape, 6X5 Meters out of which a corner of 2X2 meters is taken by our bedroom. There is a window in this part out of which we can watch them and enter in case of any urgent situation there. The main entrance is placed at the end of a corridor protected again with a green net. The height of the aviary is 5 meters on bedroom side which is slanted to compound wall side to 2.5 Meters. Top and sides are constructed in wooden frame covered with ½” coated steel wire mesh. Top of that again covered with green net to protect from direct sunlight and drafts. It is built according to my design by few carpenters. Proper wiring and plumping has done for the requirement of broad spectrum lights to lengthen the day light hours and watering the plants and cleaning the utensils and aviary. A powerful exhaust fan keeps out the feather dusts and odors while regularizing the temperature. A thermometer is fixed to inspect the temperature and humidity. There are coops inside for Bantams and Quails. Finches and Doves are free to fly around the aviary. Perches are made with ropes and bamboo sticks around in difference heights. There are cages for breeders who require privacy. A wide variety of nests and boxes, some of them brought from India, made out of wood, bamboo, clay, coconut fiber etc are being fixed in all over the aviary for a free selection according to each species requirement. In addition to that nesting materials like dried grass, coconut fiber, cotton etc are supplied for independent nest builders.
Compatibility of species for harmonious living: - All of the inmates are soft bills and it is important for their safety not to mix any hook bills (Parrot species) with them. Almost all finches will happily go along with except few species. A compatible finch chart will tell you that, but from my experience few aggressors from the list co-exist in this atmosphere while I had removed few individual trouble makers in passive species also. I use a normal finch mix and canary mix as their regular food which is provided in feeders for consumption at any time. Water is provided in the same way mixed with vitamins. A self prepared egg food is provided to them every morning for additional energy required for breeding, chick rearing and molting. A daily quota of minutely chopped vegetable and fruit mix consisting of Carrots, Cucumbers, Lettuce, Broccoli, Apples and Corn are also supplied to them. Almost all varieties here are breeding, depending on the season, temperature, special food and nesting facilities. Websites on finches have helped me a lot to study about each species. Again by experience you will learn new lessons and techniques which you can pass to the world as your own.
Qatar Bird Market: - I have bought all varieties from Souq Waqif’s Bird Market on different occasions. But you will not find all these varieties at the same time there, as the import depends on the season, availability and demand. There is an auction market on Friday morning where many pet owners bring their stock for sale and you can buy and sell them in auction by paying some commission to appointed auctioneer. Doves, Chicken, Big parrots and Canaries are the main varieties of birds in the auction market. You should take extreme care and check the birds for any sickness while buying them from the market and quarantine the birds before introducing them to your flock. Salesmen there may not be experts in confirming the gender of the identical species as I have ended up in buying the same gender few times. To maintain the balance of the aviary I sell juveniles and independent chicks in the market. Most of the time, my birds are sold before reaching up to the auction place because of their health and the attraction of the leg bands.
Identification Leg Bands: - My finches are fitted with colored leg bands for identification of individual birds and to avoid inbreeding. I use plastic split leg bands from US. Banding will be done for all new purchases and new chicks just before fledging. A full record of this along with a daily diary is electronically kept to track the history and varying attendance inside the aviary. If introduced in pairs, finches will never interbreed, but in few occasions at the loss of a mate or non availability of combative partner it interbreeds. It has happened in this aviary and as a result I got some entirely new varieties from which I realized that new mutations and varieties are appearing like this.
Cleaning and Maintenance: - If you observe cleanliness in food, water and environment your birds will never get sick. It needs maximum an hour a day if you are maintaining the aviary daily. Egg food & veggies distribution, discarding the remains, cleaning the bottom and changing the water are the daily routine jobs. Food and mineral supplies should be checked weekly. After fledgling leaves cages and nests should be cleaned and disinfected. Litter of Quails and Bantams should be changed once in a month. Aviary from top to bottom including perches and assemblies should be cleaned twice in a year. Medicines are kept in stock for most of the common ailments but prevention is better than cure is my policy. Any sick birds will be treated in a heated hospital cage.
A delight for Eyes Ears: - Watching the aviary through the window at early morning is my favorite relaxation. It is a feast for eyes and ears. Distinct songs, mating dances, fledglings begging for food, nest building, foraging, socializing, yes they are with full of positive energy which will pass to your heart for the fresh days start up. You won’t realize how time passes so be aware of your office timings.
My Vision: - By helping to grow them in open atmosphere, their resistance to local climate will gradually increase. By the 3rd generation they will be immune to extremes in the weather and can live happily in open farm with big trees, water sources and regular food supplies. From an isolated farm they will not fly to far away locations as they are small birds and not long flyers. Hawks and Falcons may be a threat, but I think that they will not be interested in finches due to their minute size and their habit of staying in confined areas. Time is not far away from your farm to see amazing sights of vibrantly colored lively finches entertain you with their vivid repertoire of songs and make you say “Subhanallah, Am I in Qatar or elsewhere”.
waaaaw my dream to do that in my house but no way in qatar :( im living in a flat !!
I have few Californian Quails bred in my aviary for caring hands. Popular Game birds of California, they are very active, shy and flighty and need a covered enclosure to keep. Rated as difficult to breed, these cuties are born in my aviary, bred by a devoted broody mother. Please see the ad.in item for sale category "others"
Todays (13.06.13) Gulf Times Community given news about this aviary as cover story.
You are right, I understand very much and thought about+ 2 options, either to leave them out to starve and die in the harsh weather / to become food of hawks. The other option is to sell them back in the souq to go back to the filthy cages from where I rescue them. I could not send back them to their native countries where they born in breeders cages. Also right now 80% of inmates were born in this aviary and it is their world. Where will i send them? I am doing that prayer "We seek refuge to Allah from the evil of Our deeds".
It looks good.
But, is it really kindness to them? As you are using Allah’s name, Allah made all the creatures to stay into the suitable places for them. However we human beings do any thing to make us happy with our selfishness even in the name of kindness.
In your vision, you are doing a lot of effort to keep them alive – that is for your benefit and happiness.
I hope they will not curse you for disturbing their freedom and comfort as they enjoyed in the native place.
Our kindness should not become cruelty….
That is the reason Muslims pray that “We seek refuge with Allah from the evil of our deeds..... ”
No hurt feeling please…
[email protected]
I am proposing the ornithology lovers to form a group. Can anybody advise how to make it. I am ready to assist people with interest, time, space and willingness to invest some initial capital to create such atmosphere for the betterment of these beautiful creatures and for the betterment of environment.
Nice setup and good business too.
Please contact me on 55227315 or my Email ([email protected]) for any Visit or Purchase.
Thanks for your comments and interest.
Amazing...its so beautiful... can I visit your Aviary with my son..he just love birds and Animals.. If you are selling I want a pair of those multi colored bird...they all look so cute...hats off to your dedication…:)
What beautiful photos of exquisite birds. Thanks for sharing!
Zaheer bhai..above topic to make it short..../..BE KIND TO ANIMALS.
Amazing. Good to know that your hobby bring so much pleasure..
can sum1 explain in short wat he wrote
huge challenge to look after these beautiful cratures ..
My appreciation and regards to you ..
Subhanallah, Am I in Qatar or elsewhere !