10 Unusual Safe Driving Tips
10 Unusual Safe Driving Tips
1. When you feel like you need to overtake a vehicle but you are nearing your street maximum speed limit, don’t. Most often than not, the vehicle that you plan to overtake will speed up too and it will be the beginning of a stupid race to nowhere.
2. When you think that the overtaking on the right seems okay especially if the road on that side looks clear, don’t. It’s called a blind spot, you are never sure and that wild guess can simply mean life or death in just a few seconds.
3. When you think there is no radar in sight and you want to try and rev up your engine for a few boost, don’t. I honestly saw a radar camera fixed on a third floor building behind a one-way glass window pointed towards the main street.
4. In the middle of your driving your phone rings, as it usually does, don’t pick up the phone yet, you have a caller ID and you will know if the call is urgent or not, simply call back later. Whatever is the urgency of the call is, it will not bring you back to life in case of an accident. An earpiece is still not a good option.
5. You feel like there’s nothing wrong on speeding up above the speed limit and step on those brakes just a few meters before the radar, and zoom again after out of the radar’s sight, think again. You may have fooled the radar but not yourself.
6. When the lane up ahead you took is blocked by a slower vehicle, you think flashing your light or honking or both will do good, it won’t. There are other lanes! If the other lanes are occupied too, wait. Patience is a virtue, and drivers like you have to have lots of those.
7. If you think to not buckle up a short drive from home to a nearby shop, think again. Most accidents happen within a few kilometers range from the point of origin to the point of destination…never reached it. So buckle up even on short distances.
8. If you think that children are exempted from buckling up from the rear seats, you better know this. There are no front airbags in the rear seat, chances are the only protection they have upon impact comes from the side airbags. Passengers contribute to most accident fatalities. So tell your kids to buckle up too.
9. Nice fluffy stuff toys you have there and you think they look even more adorable on your car. Think again, we already have a driver’s blind spots, blocking the remaining visibility of your car increases the risk of accident. The stuff toys are not worth the display on your windows.
10. The moment you take that steering wheel, let a few second pass before heading off and use those few seconds to clear your mind and make that firm decision that you will be a good driver minding other motorists, putting safety first, obeying traffic rules, signs, and markings, and the idea that you will reach your destination safe and sound.
These tips are pure nonsense! - for Qatar.
yeah sutpid....bleu....especially for the locals...isnt' it?
PS:Thanks kikomodos....atleast you tried.
Whenever I find the KEY to SUCCESS...Someone STEALS it.
LOL, stupid tips.
don't drink and drive....
....the potholes spill your beer
Nice suggestion keep it good work
thank u for,the tip
Unusual ????????????????????????????