Somethig wrong with my television???

I purchased a 40" LCD samsung television a few months back. everything was fine till i started watching downloaded movies connecting the Hard disk directly into the television.Now the television turns on by itself, increases and lowers it own volume and stops in the middle of a movie sesssion without any remote controls.can any body advise what the problem could be and where i could get it fixed????
Seriously though your tv needs a firmware update. Update the same and poof you have no need of the priest you just borrowed. :-)
Television turns out by itself!!!!! Hmmmm...some months back there was an OP on a haunted house.....has there been any other paranormal activities in your rented house....THEY ARE OUT THERE..
Perhaps some Virus in your Hard Disc is affecting it.If it is in Guarantee Period, the best thing is to get it fixed for free from Samsung as suggested above.
if its just a few months old, why dont you contact samsung directly. they are the best people to rectify the problem.